My grammom turns 80 today :) Her birth date is 10-20-30, pretty cool huh?
As I ponder what it means to me to be turning 32 next week I can't help but to wonder about 80. She has raised her children, been married, won some battles, lost some battles, been through happiness, heart ache, sickness, vacations, and so much more than could ever be written a blog.
My Grammom is a lovely woman. She has a talent for sewing, crocheting, cooking, and for having a picture of every person she loves on her mantle. She has always been patient with me, loved me, and yes, has even put me back in my place a time or two!
Happy Birthday Grammom! May you have many more birthdays, many more memories, and many more smiles!!!!
At Sunshine Fitness by Tricia my mission is to empower women, men, and families to live a healthier, more energetic, and fun filled lifestyle.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Quick Weekend Workout
Perform each movement for one minute and repeat three times. For best results complete the workout before or after a 30 minute walk.
2. Squats-- stand with feet about hip width apart. Contract the abs and keep them tight as you bend the knees and slowly squat towards the chair. Keep the knees behind the toes as you sit down on the chair for a few seconds. Contract the gluteus and hamstrings to lift up out of the chair and begin extending the legs. Fully extend the legs until you're back to standing position.
3. Lunges- Stand holding a pair of dumbbells at your shoulders. Take a big step forward with your right leg and bend at the knees until that leg is parallel to the floor and your rear knee is just off the floor. And then push back to the starting position. Step out with your other leg and complete the press with your opposite arm.
4. Push Ups- Down on all fours position wrists under the shoulders. Extend legs behind you and tuck toes under make a straight line from shoulders to hips, to knees. Bend your elbows and lower the body toward the floor. Use chest, shoulders, and triceps to return to start.
5. Triceps Dips- Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor, hands on the floor behind you with fingers pointing toward body. To begin, lift hips off floor. Slowly and gently bend your elbows and lower your body close to the floor. Keep abdominal muscles tight. Extend arms through the elbows
6. Criss Cross Abs- lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head with fingers touching. Use your abs to lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Bend your knees into your chest to tabletop position. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and your right leg straightens, come to the center and repeat on the other side.
7. Bridges- lying on the back, feet flat with knees bent, arms long at your sides. Feet hip width apart, press through the heels and lift the tailbone off the floor and hips to the sky. Keep knees in line with toes. Keep knees hip width apart by activating inner thoughs.
8. Roll-Ups- lie on your back with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Draw navel toward spine and raise arms overhead, tuck your chin and roll up one vertebra at a time reaching for your toes. Exhale and slowly return to start.
In Health,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bikini Ready Countdown!!!
We leave for Hawaii in just 10 days and I am in full "Vacation Ready Workout" mode. We all do it. We amp up our routine, begin a new routine, diet, and fill up with determination to look good in that dress, shorts, and bathing suit. Many people have asked me what I do to "get ready" for vacation. I don't change a whole lot of my routine but I do add in a bit more exercise, and pay closer attention to what I am eating. So, here it is! This is also a great way to jump start yourself after vacation, or if you need a change!
This is a 2 week routine:
- Every other day for the 2 weeks leading up to vacation I walk for an hour outside doing as many hills as possible and I take a Pilates, Barre, or Yoga class. This gives me cardio to burn calories and strength training to shape muscles.
- On the other days I still may get a 30- 40 minutes walk in during the day, without as many hills but I also run outside or do the elliptical at the gym for 45 minutes. I don't do strength training on those days.
- On day 5 and day 10 (or any 2 days during the 2 weeks as long as there is a few days between them) I take the day off from cardio and do a Yoga, Pilates, or Barre class.
- As far as diet, I eat fruit for breakfast with nuts for protein or maybe an apple and peanut butter. I have a mid-morning snack of an apple, banana or a Kashi bar. Lunch is usually a big salad that has nuts and/or cheese for protein. I also have soup if I'm really hungry. Dinner is something with a lot of vegetables, protein, and grains. Such as vegetarian fajitas, homemade ceasar salad with parmesan and whole wheat crustini, spicy tofu with green beans and brown rice, or whole wheat crust pizza and a salad. If I'm hungry I have fruit before bed with a cup of hot tea.
As you can see, it's no miracle plan. It's just exercise and eating well.
In Health or as they say in Hawaii, Mahalo,
This is a 2 week routine:
- Every other day for the 2 weeks leading up to vacation I walk for an hour outside doing as many hills as possible and I take a Pilates, Barre, or Yoga class. This gives me cardio to burn calories and strength training to shape muscles.
- On the other days I still may get a 30- 40 minutes walk in during the day, without as many hills but I also run outside or do the elliptical at the gym for 45 minutes. I don't do strength training on those days.
- On day 5 and day 10 (or any 2 days during the 2 weeks as long as there is a few days between them) I take the day off from cardio and do a Yoga, Pilates, or Barre class.
- As far as diet, I eat fruit for breakfast with nuts for protein or maybe an apple and peanut butter. I have a mid-morning snack of an apple, banana or a Kashi bar. Lunch is usually a big salad that has nuts and/or cheese for protein. I also have soup if I'm really hungry. Dinner is something with a lot of vegetables, protein, and grains. Such as vegetarian fajitas, homemade ceasar salad with parmesan and whole wheat crustini, spicy tofu with green beans and brown rice, or whole wheat crust pizza and a salad. If I'm hungry I have fruit before bed with a cup of hot tea.
As you can see, it's no miracle plan. It's just exercise and eating well.
In Health or as they say in Hawaii, Mahalo,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Meet me at the Barre
Want tight buns, great legs, sexy shoulder, and bikini abs?
Over the past few months I've been helping to launch the Barre Pro Program at Pilates Pro Works ( I took a class this morning and was reminded how great of a workout it is!
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's the Great Pumpkin!!!

Fall is upon us and we are just 2 weeks from Halloween! The smell of Pumpkin Spice is filling up local coffee shops and bakeries. Pumpkins are believed to have originated in North America. Native Americans planted pumpkin along with corn and beans as their main food sources. Once the colonists came to North America they took pumpkins and sliced off their tops, removed the seeds and filled the pumpkins with milk, spices and honey. This is believed to be one of the origins of Pumpkin Pie!
Pumpkins have also been used to decorate for Halloween. A very long time ago the Celtics celebrated a "Summer's End" Festival held from sundown October 31st to sundown November 1st. They decorated with glowing jack o lanterns that were carved from turnips and guards. The decor was thought to protect against evil spirits. When the Irish came to North America they found the pumpkin suited their jack-o-lantern carvings better because they were bigger!
Pumpkin Fun Facts:
1. 1 cup of pumpkin has only 30 calories.
2. Contains Beta Carotene which are antioxidants that boost the immune system.
3. Contains potassium and Vitamin C.
4. Pumpkin Seeds contain Vitamin B, C, D, and K. They also contain calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.
5. Pumpkin seeds have been used to treat prostate problems and bladder infections. They may help to clean out the kidneys.
6. Pumpkin Flowers are edible.
7. You can use the pumpkin shell as a decorative bowl for soups! Simply carve out the seeds and add your favorite heated soup and serve!
8. Pumpkin Seeds can be added to soups or salads for a delicious nutty flavor.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Pink Ribbons

October brings the fall, the leaves change to brilliant yellows and golds, and jack-o-lanterns begin to grace each doorstep. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Recently a dear friend of mine lost someone to Breast Cancer. She braved this disease and fought hard against it every moment since her diagnosis. I did not know her well but I know her spirit lives on in the lives of the people who loved her. She should be honored for her grace, her strength, and for the fight she found within herself. Most of us have been affected by Breast Cancer. A family member, a friend, an acquaintance. It is up to all of us to do what we can to prevent this disease and also do what we can to support research to cure it.
1. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women regardless of race or ethnicity.
2. 1 in 100 of men can get Breast Cancer. It is most common between the ages of 60- 70.
3. The National Cancer Institute recommends that women ages 40 and above have a mammogram every 1-2 years. If Breast Cancer runs in your family talk to your doctor about having a mammogram before the age of 40.
4. Being active reduces your risk of weight gain and therefore reduces your risk of Breast Cancer. Yet another reason to exercise!
Would you like to read more? Check out the following websites and talk to your doctor.
In Health,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Been a while
It's been a while since my last post. Time, as we all know, goes too quickly and I feel like as we get older it goes faster! In the past few months I am reminded that health is not just measured in pant size or pounds. It is a state of mind.
I was in my hometown 2 weeks ago and had the wonderful chance to catch up with friends and family. There were a few times I caught myself realizing how far I've come with some of these amazing people who I have in my life. There is something about going home that warms the heart, revives the soul, and reminds you where you came from. I have fond memories and I cherish them.
One of the things I did at home was take an hour walk with my sister almost everyday. We walked on the trial in Buckingham, we walked through Doylestown Borough, and on these walks we talked and laughed. We ended some walks with lunch in town. Health is not just about exercise and nutrition. It's taking time out of your busy agenda to reconnect with the people you love.
I started the trip with a visit to my sister's and brother in law in Maryland. They are diligently working on restoring a beautiful home. Literally, blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this gorgeous property. Their personalities shine through and they take you through each section and can tell you where every piece of wood, electric, and sawdust came from. It amazed me, I am still in awe as I write this. They are building a home, a life, a piece of their very own history together. Health can be defined as a "healthy state of well-being". They are achieving this everyday, every challenge they overcome, every new floorboard that gets replaced. It is truly amazing to watch their progress.
My trip home ended with a fabulous BBQ hosted by my parents. Family and friends came over to celebrate two birthdays, a retirement, and an anniversary. It was a wonderful way to end the trip. We are all in charge of our personal health. It is important to know your blood pressure, your cholesterol numbers, and your body fat percentage. However, every now and then it's more important to have a glass of wine, take a seat, roast some marshmallows, and chat with your family.
In Health,
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