Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Carbs, Sugars, and What Really Matters

I love bananas, carrots, and corn on the cob. There is no substitute for my mom's Potato Salad and an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. So, why do these fruits and veggies get a bad rep and why are people swearing them out of their diet? It's the low carb craze, and it hasn't gone away. Carbohydrates are a main source of energy for the body. They supply 4 calories per gram, ironically the same as protein. The USDA recommends we get 6-11 servings of them a day. People have a love/hate relationship with carbs and I am here to break it down for you. 

There are two types of carbs:
Simple Carbs: Sucrose (table sugar), lactose (milk sugar), glucose and fructose (fruits and veggies). Simple carbs are in sodas, sweet treats, candies, basically all processed foods contain added sugar.

Complex Carbs: Starches and Fiber. They are in bread, grains, beans, potatoes, corn, rice, and pastas. 

I'd also like to talk about the Glycemic Index:
Foods with carbs in them effect your blood sugar in different ways. This is measured using the Glycemic Index. Simply it measures how quickly a food is digested and then the glucose in it absorbed into the body which then raised your blood sugar. The problem with this index is that it only takes into account the food if you eat it alone. Corn all by itself will spike your blood sugar, but corn with brown rice won't. 

Food high on the Glycemic Index: Potatoes, Sugar, Corn, white rice, white bread, doughnuts, cake, carrots
Foods Low in the Glycemic Index: Apples, Ice Cream, Beans, Nuts

Are you confused yet? Still wondering what you should and should not eat?
Here is what you should eat, and why:
1. Low fat dairy products or vegetarian dairy substitutes such as soy milk and almond milk because they contain calcium and protein. 
2. Whole Grains (oats, quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat pastas) because they are digested slowly and are loaded with vitamins, protein, and fiber. 
3. Vegetables and Fruits- any of them!!! No one ever got fat by eating fruits and vegetables. They are vitamin and fiber powerhouses and contain very little calories. 
4. Beans because they contain fiber which may help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, keeps your bowels happy, and keep you feeling fuller, for longer. 

Here is what you shouldn't eat, and why:
Processed Foods. Cookies, candies, soda, etc. A good rule to follow is that if the ingredients contains more then 2-3 ingredients, then it is processed. They are full of oils, chemicals, and fat. 

Don't get me wrong, JB's parents make some pretty amazing desserts that I have never said no to. You just need to pick and choose. Don't eat dessert ALL the time. Have it every now and then so that it is a treat. You don't have to swear off french fries, but you should not have then every week. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Time to "Spring Forward" Soup

Southwestern Corn and Potato Soup

I made this soup last night for dinner and it turned out better than expected! Enjoy!

1 half of a white onion, diced into small pieces
160z bag of frozen corn
1 red pepper
1 large potato, diced
1 green zucchini, diced
2 tablespoons thyme
2 cloves of garlic (chopped or put through a garlic press)
4 cups of vegetarian broth
1/2 cup of shredded asiago cheese
2 tablespoons olive oil
pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)

1. In a soup pot, heat olive oil and add onions and garlic, stir and saute about 2 minutes. Add the potato and zucchini and add salt and pepper and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Add the thyme. Let mixture saute. Once the oil has been used up add a ladle or 2 of broth to keep it cooking. Repeat when needed.
2. Spray pepper with Olive Oil Spray and put on foil. Roast in oven on broil. Check frequently and turn the pepper so it roasts evenly. It should be charred/black. Once pepper is done take it out and let it cool. Then pull off any black parts and dice pepper and put aside.
3. Add the rest of the broth and the corn to the soup pot and stir. Add half off the peppers.
4. Let simmer until potatoes are soft. Then using a hand held blender, puree the soup lightly. You just want to puree it a little bit so that you still have some chunks of the veggies.
5. Add about half of the remaining red pepper. Keep the other red pepper to top the soup with.
6. Let soup simmer for 30 minutes.
To serve: Ladle the soup into bowls and top with red pepper and asiago cheese.

In Health,

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Cleaning

The first day of spring is only 8 days away. This is a great time to reawaken your body and get ready for the wonderful fruits and vegetables of spring and summer, not to mention..bathing suit season!

Many people choose to go on a Cleanse this time of year. Its a great way to give your digestion system a break, detoxify your system, and most importantly a jump start for your body. A cleanse is a great way to figure out which foods you are eating that may not be healthy for you!

Here is a simple cleanse you could do for 1-3 days. 
No caffeine, animal products, dairy, or processed foods:
**Remember to drink LOTS of water!
Wake up: A glass of water with lemon and/or Herbal Teas

Breakfast: Smoothie (1 banana, 1 cup fruit (strawberries is my favorite), 1/2 cup of almond milk or water and then blend. You can add a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter for some protein or some flax seed.

Snack in the AM: any and all fruit, as much as you want!!!

Lunch: A salad with any vegetables you can think to add topped with balsamic vinegar (as much as you want) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Another option is homemade soup of any kind that uses vegetable broth and lots of veggies or a gazpacho soup.

Snack in PM: Fruit or veggies of any kind.

Dinner: Any steamed veggies, a baked yam or sweet potato, a veggie salad or soup (see lunch)

A few simple tips for day to day healthiness:

Eat Organically Grown Foods whenever possible.

Drink Water. Half of your body weight in ounces.

Have your family help prepare meals whenever possible. 

Meals should contain a protein (meat, fish, tofu,beans etc...), a whole grain carb (the first ingredient listed should say 100% whole wheat, or brown rice, quinoa, etc), and a vegetable. Make the vegetable portion the main part of the meal. It should take up half your plate. The protein should take up a quarter and the the carb the
other quarter.

Plan your meals. Before you go to the grocery store write down
your meals for each night of the week. Make them healthy.

When eating animal product, choose organic and local as much as possible.

Minimize red meats, sugar, coffee, processed foods and alcohol.

Meatless Mondays!

Get some exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes.

Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish 2 times per week,
fiber rich foods, spices...

Eat slowly and allow your body to digest the food you eat.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Me Time

When was the last time you did something for yourself? Is your schedule scheduled around other people? Do you say yes when what you really mean is NO, NO, NO!!?

As Ferris Beuler once said "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Studies show that when you are constantly doing things for others you don't give yourself a chance to renew and you start to feel that you are losing a sense of control. This causes stress, anxiety, insomnia, and even weight gain around your middle. Weight gain is a result of our normal Cortisol levels being altered. Cortisol is a hormone that is used to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Cortisol levels are usually higher in the AM, and lower in the PM. Stress changes the secretion of Cortisol which may cause you to gain weight.

10 things to do for yourself today, tomorrow, and always:
1. Exercise at least 20 minutes a day.
2. Take a bath or just some time to close the bathroom door and pamper yourself with a manicure, pedicure, or face mask.
3. Get a massage.
4. Take a Yoga or Pilates class.
5. Read a book or a magazine in a quiet room. Sip some herbal tea.
6. Go to a museum be yourself and treat yourself to some lunch afterwards.
7. Take a walk in the morning and enjoy your coffee or tea in the fresh air.
8. Take a class you are interested in. Painting, a new language, photography, knitting....
9. Grab a blanket, a book, your IPOD (not your phone!) and sit in the sunshine.
10. One of my favorite things to do is go see a movie, alone. Then you don't have to share the popcorn!

In Health,