JB travels now and then and the very first time he did I pulled out the cookbooks and swore I was going to make Banana Nut Bread for something to fill the time. I wrote down the ingredients I needed, stuck the paper in my planner, and had the best of intentions. Now, 18 months later, I have baked the Banana Nut Bread! I made it from the basics: flour, sugar, and everything else Martha Stewart asked me to measure and put in it. The apartment still smells good even a few hours later! And yes, I dove right into the hot baked bread, I couldn't help myself.
I finally made the bread because JB bet me two weeks ago that I wouldn't. He was tired of me saying I would so we made a bet and I am happy to say that I have won! The wager was a cocktail, so he's buying tonight!
While baking I realized there was more to it. It was relaxing, calming, and really fun. I have always made cakes and breads from a box so this was my first real, honest to goodness, add your own vanilla kind of baking of my adult life. The horrible Snicker doodles I made my family eat as a teenager don't count! I feel accomplished and I can't wait for JB to get home and taste it!
So much of the food that we eat is out of convenience. We buy desserts in a box for when guests come over, we buy food in bags, and in plastic, and in containers that take a small army to open. This Banana Bread was made with the real stuff. Real bananas and walnuts. I have no idea how many calories and fat it has in it but I do know it has no high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oils. I feel good about that.
Next time you need to bring dessert to the dinner party pull out the cookbook. Martha wanted me to have a fancy mixer but the good old fashioned whisker did just fine! You will enjoy the process and if you don't then I know a person who makes great Banana Nut Bread :)
Have a fabulous weekend!
In Health,
Tricia- welcome to the wonderful world of baking! I am so happy for you to experience the delishousness. (I know thats not a word) =) I couldn't agree more. Go girl!