At Sunshine Fitness by Tricia my mission is to empower women, men, and families to live a healthier, more energetic, and fun filled lifestyle.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I have never been more wrong in my life. Not only did I fall in love with Bogota, I made new friends, connected with people even with a language barrier, and had what I believe is the most amazing experience and opportunity of my fitness career so far. It was nothing like what I thought it would be. As my boyfriend said "that's why you travel".
I spent a week training 14 Instructors along with 2 other women from Pilates Pro Works ( It was an amazing experience that I am eternally grateful for. I've been in the Fitness Industry for over 10 years and this trip and training is the accumulation of everything, up to this point, that I have worked so hard for. Every day was new, new lessons, new patience, new friends.
Our host, the owner of the new Pilates Pro Works in Bogota was caring, considerate, and professional. He introduced us to his family and friends. He always made sure we were having a great time. He was what made the trip an experience I will never forget.
Thank you Oscar, Taylor, Angelica, Andres and all the newly trained instructors. You reminded me why I love what I do.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How to be healthier and younger
I just finished reading Ultra-Longevity, The Seven Step Program for a Younger, Healthier You by Mark Liponis, MD. The author is the Medical Director at Canyon Ranch. His 7 steps aren't surprising but I find them a great reminder of some of the basics. The premise of his book is that we need to take care of our immune system and that through these 7 steps we can.
His 7 steps:
1. Breathe- Seems so simple doesn't it? However, we only use a small part of our lung capacity. Take a deep breath, right now, and let it fill up all the way to your belly, then let it out. Do that as many times a day as you can think to. Try Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, or even swimming.
2. Eat- I love when a book actually tells you to eat! What to eat is the more important part. Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish 2 times per week, fiber rich foods, spices... Eat slowly and allow your body to digest the food you eat.
3. Sleep- Did you know that if you are tired you tend to eat more? You are trying to get the energy you need to stay awake from the food. Being sleep deprived makes you moody, irritable, not think clearly, and ultimately stressed out. Get into a pattern. Don't watch TV or be one the computer for at least 2 hours before bed time.
4. Dance- This one if my favorite! Find your dance. That could be walking, running, biking, aerobics, Pilates, or simply just dancing! In other words exercise. I believe you should move your body EVERY day for at least 20 minutes. It will change your life.
5. Love- Sometimes we get so busy and so used to the people we keep around us that we forget to tell them what they mean to us. Is your husband, wife, sister, brother, child, friend, sitting next to you? Tell them you love them. More importantly, let them love you back.
6. Soothe- your home should be peaceful and free of allergens, get massages, stimulate your senses through smell ,drink clean water and get fresh air.
7. Enhance- Talk to a doctor or nutritionist and find of what, if any supplements or vitamins you should be taking. Find out if you should lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your weight, most importantly know what you weigh. The number on the scale can predict your health. Drink plenty of water. Take care of yourself.
In Health,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Happy 80th Birthday Grammom!!!!!
As I ponder what it means to me to be turning 32 next week I can't help but to wonder about 80. She has raised her children, been married, won some battles, lost some battles, been through happiness, heart ache, sickness, vacations, and so much more than could ever be written a blog.
My Grammom is a lovely woman. She has a talent for sewing, crocheting, cooking, and for having a picture of every person she loves on her mantle. She has always been patient with me, loved me, and yes, has even put me back in my place a time or two!
Happy Birthday Grammom! May you have many more birthdays, many more memories, and many more smiles!!!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Quick Weekend Workout
2. Squats-- stand with feet about hip width apart. Contract the abs and keep them tight as you bend the knees and slowly squat towards the chair. Keep the knees behind the toes as you sit down on the chair for a few seconds. Contract the gluteus and hamstrings to lift up out of the chair and begin extending the legs. Fully extend the legs until you're back to standing position.
3. Lunges- Stand holding a pair of dumbbells at your shoulders. Take a big step forward with your right leg and bend at the knees until that leg is parallel to the floor and your rear knee is just off the floor. And then push back to the starting position. Step out with your other leg and complete the press with your opposite arm.
4. Push Ups- Down on all fours position wrists under the shoulders. Extend legs behind you and tuck toes under make a straight line from shoulders to hips, to knees. Bend your elbows and lower the body toward the floor. Use chest, shoulders, and triceps to return to start.
5. Triceps Dips- Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet on the floor, hands on the floor behind you with fingers pointing toward body. To begin, lift hips off floor. Slowly and gently bend your elbows and lower your body close to the floor. Keep abdominal muscles tight. Extend arms through the elbows
6. Criss Cross Abs- lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head with fingers touching. Use your abs to lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Bend your knees into your chest to tabletop position. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and your right leg straightens, come to the center and repeat on the other side.
7. Bridges- lying on the back, feet flat with knees bent, arms long at your sides. Feet hip width apart, press through the heels and lift the tailbone off the floor and hips to the sky. Keep knees in line with toes. Keep knees hip width apart by activating inner thoughs.
8. Roll-Ups- lie on your back with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Draw navel toward spine and raise arms overhead, tuck your chin and roll up one vertebra at a time reaching for your toes. Exhale and slowly return to start.
In Health,
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bikini Ready Countdown!!!
This is a 2 week routine:
- Every other day for the 2 weeks leading up to vacation I walk for an hour outside doing as many hills as possible and I take a Pilates, Barre, or Yoga class. This gives me cardio to burn calories and strength training to shape muscles.
- On the other days I still may get a 30- 40 minutes walk in during the day, without as many hills but I also run outside or do the elliptical at the gym for 45 minutes. I don't do strength training on those days.
- On day 5 and day 10 (or any 2 days during the 2 weeks as long as there is a few days between them) I take the day off from cardio and do a Yoga, Pilates, or Barre class.
- As far as diet, I eat fruit for breakfast with nuts for protein or maybe an apple and peanut butter. I have a mid-morning snack of an apple, banana or a Kashi bar. Lunch is usually a big salad that has nuts and/or cheese for protein. I also have soup if I'm really hungry. Dinner is something with a lot of vegetables, protein, and grains. Such as vegetarian fajitas, homemade ceasar salad with parmesan and whole wheat crustini, spicy tofu with green beans and brown rice, or whole wheat crust pizza and a salad. If I'm hungry I have fruit before bed with a cup of hot tea.
As you can see, it's no miracle plan. It's just exercise and eating well.
In Health or as they say in Hawaii, Mahalo,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Meet me at the Barre
Want tight buns, great legs, sexy shoulder, and bikini abs?
Over the past few months I've been helping to launch the Barre Pro Program at Pilates Pro Works ( I took a class this morning and was reminded how great of a workout it is!
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's the Great Pumpkin!!!

Fall is upon us and we are just 2 weeks from Halloween! The smell of Pumpkin Spice is filling up local coffee shops and bakeries. Pumpkins are believed to have originated in North America. Native Americans planted pumpkin along with corn and beans as their main food sources. Once the colonists came to North America they took pumpkins and sliced off their tops, removed the seeds and filled the pumpkins with milk, spices and honey. This is believed to be one of the origins of Pumpkin Pie!
Pumpkins have also been used to decorate for Halloween. A very long time ago the Celtics celebrated a "Summer's End" Festival held from sundown October 31st to sundown November 1st. They decorated with glowing jack o lanterns that were carved from turnips and guards. The decor was thought to protect against evil spirits. When the Irish came to North America they found the pumpkin suited their jack-o-lantern carvings better because they were bigger!
Pumpkin Fun Facts:
1. 1 cup of pumpkin has only 30 calories.
2. Contains Beta Carotene which are antioxidants that boost the immune system.
3. Contains potassium and Vitamin C.
4. Pumpkin Seeds contain Vitamin B, C, D, and K. They also contain calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.
5. Pumpkin seeds have been used to treat prostate problems and bladder infections. They may help to clean out the kidneys.
6. Pumpkin Flowers are edible.
7. You can use the pumpkin shell as a decorative bowl for soups! Simply carve out the seeds and add your favorite heated soup and serve!
8. Pumpkin Seeds can be added to soups or salads for a delicious nutty flavor.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Pink Ribbons

October brings the fall, the leaves change to brilliant yellows and golds, and jack-o-lanterns begin to grace each doorstep. October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Recently a dear friend of mine lost someone to Breast Cancer. She braved this disease and fought hard against it every moment since her diagnosis. I did not know her well but I know her spirit lives on in the lives of the people who loved her. She should be honored for her grace, her strength, and for the fight she found within herself. Most of us have been affected by Breast Cancer. A family member, a friend, an acquaintance. It is up to all of us to do what we can to prevent this disease and also do what we can to support research to cure it.
1. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women regardless of race or ethnicity.
2. 1 in 100 of men can get Breast Cancer. It is most common between the ages of 60- 70.
3. The National Cancer Institute recommends that women ages 40 and above have a mammogram every 1-2 years. If Breast Cancer runs in your family talk to your doctor about having a mammogram before the age of 40.
4. Being active reduces your risk of weight gain and therefore reduces your risk of Breast Cancer. Yet another reason to exercise!
Would you like to read more? Check out the following websites and talk to your doctor.
In Health,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Been a while
It's been a while since my last post. Time, as we all know, goes too quickly and I feel like as we get older it goes faster! In the past few months I am reminded that health is not just measured in pant size or pounds. It is a state of mind.
I was in my hometown 2 weeks ago and had the wonderful chance to catch up with friends and family. There were a few times I caught myself realizing how far I've come with some of these amazing people who I have in my life. There is something about going home that warms the heart, revives the soul, and reminds you where you came from. I have fond memories and I cherish them.
One of the things I did at home was take an hour walk with my sister almost everyday. We walked on the trial in Buckingham, we walked through Doylestown Borough, and on these walks we talked and laughed. We ended some walks with lunch in town. Health is not just about exercise and nutrition. It's taking time out of your busy agenda to reconnect with the people you love.
I started the trip with a visit to my sister's and brother in law in Maryland. They are diligently working on restoring a beautiful home. Literally, blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this gorgeous property. Their personalities shine through and they take you through each section and can tell you where every piece of wood, electric, and sawdust came from. It amazed me, I am still in awe as I write this. They are building a home, a life, a piece of their very own history together. Health can be defined as a "healthy state of well-being". They are achieving this everyday, every challenge they overcome, every new floorboard that gets replaced. It is truly amazing to watch their progress.
My trip home ended with a fabulous BBQ hosted by my parents. Family and friends came over to celebrate two birthdays, a retirement, and an anniversary. It was a wonderful way to end the trip. We are all in charge of our personal health. It is important to know your blood pressure, your cholesterol numbers, and your body fat percentage. However, every now and then it's more important to have a glass of wine, take a seat, roast some marshmallows, and chat with your family.
In Health,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Getting (RE) Started
Welcome to a new week! Summer is in full swing and I hope you are enjoying every minute of it! With vacations, and bbqs, and kid's sports it can be hard to stick to your health and fitness goals. It can also be difficult to get yourself started on a new program with so many things going on. I'm here to help!
1. Make an appointment to exercise. Just like planning to pick up your kids or to go to a doctor's appointment. Look at your schedule for the day and the rest of the week and figure out when you can exercise.
2. Put on your workout clothes. If you plan to exercise in the morning lay out everything you need the night before. Your clothes, sneakers, gym bag, Ipod, water bottle, and anything else you need for the gym. If you exercise after work change before you leave work and head right to the gym or change as soon as you get home. Putting on the clothes reminds you to go workout.
3. Workout with a friend or Personal Trainer 2 times per week. Better yet, sign up for Personal Training sessions with a friend and save some money! Having a partner to exercise with can lead to less excuses. She/He is counting on you to be there too! Why 2 days a week? Chances are you'll exercise at least one more day if you've already done two. If not, then at least you got two days in!
4. Join a gym or buy some videos. Another great option right at your fingertips is Exercise TV on demand. Make exercise accessible. If you don't like to run, then don't plan to go running. The simple truth is that if we don't like what we are doing, chances are we won't do it. Find exercise you enjoy. Do you like to dance? Check out Zumba or Bokwa. Do you like to walk? Find a few local courses that you can follow as soon as you walk out your door.
5. Forget your sneakers. I find Saturday mornings to be the hardest day for me to exercise. JB is home and we are enjoying coffee and easing into the weekend. On these days I go into another room, pop a Pilates or Yoga CD into the computer and exercise in my pajamas. It's a great way to start the weekend and I didn't even have to change or leave the house! Another great option is a Willpower and Grace exercise DVD. Check out
6. Plan your meals. Before you go to the grocery store write down your meals for each night of the week. Make them healthy. They should contain a protein (meat, fish, tofu,beans etc...), a whole grain carb (the first ingredient listed should say 100% whole wheat, or brown rice, quinoa, etc), and a vegetable. Make the vegetable portion the main part of the meal. It should take up half your plate. The protein should take up a quarter and the the carb the other quarter.
7. Eat dessert. If you like sweets summer is the best time for you! Strawberries, blueberries, watermelon. Don't skip dessert if you enjoy it. Just make it healthy. Have some fruit or a small piece of candy so you don't feel deprived.
8. Drink water. I can't say it enough. Aim for half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 140 pounds try to drink 70 ounces in water everyday. Add cucumber or lemon to it if needed.
9. Record what you are eating everyday. This will help to you keep track of calories and learn how many you are eating. You can see what parts of the day you tend to eat more, when you eat less, and how much fat, sugar, and carbs you are eating. You don't have to make ourself crazy about it, just be aware. Check out or
10. Live a little. Life is short. Enjoy yourself. If you are going to a party and think you may indulge then be sure to exercise that day and the day after. Drink lots of water. Get right back on track the next day. If we don't take the time to enjoy our lives then what are we staying healthy for to begin with?
In Health,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Back to Nature
San Francisco is a lovely city. It has everything you need and could ever want. However, sometimes this suburban born girl needs to get out of the city and reconnect with nature! That is exactly what we did over Fourth of July. We took a trip 3 hours north to Mendocino. Along the way we stopped in Healdsburg for some lunch and to walk around the square. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky!
Everyday I check email, facebook, talk on IM and text messaging, and watch TV. I did none of that over the holiday weekend. My cell phone had no service and I have to say I was pretty delighted! The TV was in an odd place in the condo we stayed in so it stayed off except for a World Soccer score update now and then, and Facebook seemed like a world away.
Instead we hiked, walked, ran, went to the beach and skipped rocks, and walked around Mendocino, took in the people, the sights, and the fresh air.
The whole trip made me happy. I felt rested and invigorated. I realized how few stars we see at night in the city, how few birds you hear chirping in the morning, and forgot how refreshing it is to run a trail and not see anyone the whole time you are out there.
Nature is such a gift and I often miss the beauty of it living in the city. I was reminded to breathe, slow down, and take it all in.
God Bless America! Enjoy everything she has to offer!
In Health,
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Healthier Day
I've read every diet book from the Martini Diet to South Beach Diet to Eat to Live. I find them interesting and I try to keep up with the latest trend so that when my clients bring them up I can talk about them. I have seen, and sometimes taken part in the fat free craze, the carb free craze, and the no sugar craze. Yet, 34% of Americans are obese. Something is not working.
Americans want an easy way out. We want to hear that if we stop eating bread we will lose 5 pounds in a week. We don't care that the weight that we lose is mostly water and that as soon as we have bread again, it's coming right back on. Quick results in as little time as possible. I always remind my clients to not get so frustrated with gradual weight loss. It didn't take you a week to gain 10 unwanted pounds, it took you a year. Therefore, it's not going to go away after only 4 days of healthy eating and exercise.
I invite you to stop thinking as weight loss as a diet you need to be on. None of us needs to diet. The word makes me feel deprived just typing it! Yes, you CAN eat bread, and have dessert, and yes, even fruit. You just need to make healthier choices everyday. You also need to get some exercise.
Simple Tips for a Healthier Day
1. Eat breakfast, a healthy breakfast. I like coffee and tend to drink coffee as my breakfast some days. When I do, I have an earlier lunch. The days I do eat breakfast I have fruit, or a tofu scramble, granola, and sometimes I saute a few vegetables. Eat what you like for breakfast but make sure it is healthy, doesn't always come right out of a box, and is not something you microwave, and please don't buy it out of a fast food window on your way to work.
2. Drink water. Half of your weight in ounces. Water cleans you from the inside out. It gives you energy. It allows your bodies cells to do the work they need to.
3. Have a salad for lunch. Make a salad that contains lots of greens, and at least 3 vegetables (not including onions). Make the salad as colorful as you can. Top the salad with lean protein or beans. If you need cheese add Parmesan, it's lower in fat than most other cheeses at the salad bar. Dress that salad with a low fat dressing or for extra points Balsamic Vinegar and a little oil.
4. Have an afternoon snack. At 4pm I always get slightly hungry but I'm not usually ready for dinner. Have an apple with Peanut Butter, carrots with hummus, whole wheat crackers and a slice of cheese, fruit and almonds. The snack should contain some protein to keep you feeling full. No chips, Doritos, or cookies. In fact, if you have them in your cupboard I invite you to look at the ingredients and google them. You might think twice next time you are snacking on them.
5. Your dinner plate should contain a carb (whole wheat or a grain such as quinoa, wild rice, or brown rice), a protein (vegetarian or non- vegetarian, and a vegetable. The vegetable portion should take up half the plate and the others only one quarter of the plate. Corn should be considered a carb on your plate.
6. Exercise everyday. Exercise does not always mean going to the gym. You can simply take a 20 minute walk before work work, at lunch, or after dinner. You can do a Yoga video at home. Ride your bike. Take time to move your body everyday in a way that feels good for you. Dance, Swim, Pilates, Run, Hike, Skate....
7. Find a pair of jean, a skirt, or a great dress that is already in your closet that fit at a point in your life that you felt good. Not at the point you were the thinnest. The dress you were on a date that doesn't zip all the way, the jeans that make your butt like great but you can't get up over your thighs. Put that item on your closet door and take a picture of it to put on your desk, or in your planner, or somewhere to remind you why you are making healthier choices that day.
8. Enjoy life! This one is important. Stop thinking of what you can't have as you eat healthier and think of all the things you CAN have! Fresh, whole foods that aren't processed. Buy a new cookbook that has healthy recipes so you don't get stuck in a rut. Go out to dinner but order the salad or the soup and split an entree. Enjoy food, it's such a great way to socialize.
In Health,
Friday, June 11, 2010
Banana Bread
JB travels now and then and the very first time he did I pulled out the cookbooks and swore I was going to make Banana Nut Bread for something to fill the time. I wrote down the ingredients I needed, stuck the paper in my planner, and had the best of intentions. Now, 18 months later, I have baked the Banana Nut Bread! I made it from the basics: flour, sugar, and everything else Martha Stewart asked me to measure and put in it. The apartment still smells good even a few hours later! And yes, I dove right into the hot baked bread, I couldn't help myself.
I finally made the bread because JB bet me two weeks ago that I wouldn't. He was tired of me saying I would so we made a bet and I am happy to say that I have won! The wager was a cocktail, so he's buying tonight!
While baking I realized there was more to it. It was relaxing, calming, and really fun. I have always made cakes and breads from a box so this was my first real, honest to goodness, add your own vanilla kind of baking of my adult life. The horrible Snicker doodles I made my family eat as a teenager don't count! I feel accomplished and I can't wait for JB to get home and taste it!
So much of the food that we eat is out of convenience. We buy desserts in a box for when guests come over, we buy food in bags, and in plastic, and in containers that take a small army to open. This Banana Bread was made with the real stuff. Real bananas and walnuts. I have no idea how many calories and fat it has in it but I do know it has no high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oils. I feel good about that.
Next time you need to bring dessert to the dinner party pull out the cookbook. Martha wanted me to have a fancy mixer but the good old fashioned whisker did just fine! You will enjoy the process and if you don't then I know a person who makes great Banana Nut Bread :)
Have a fabulous weekend!
In Health,
Friday, June 4, 2010
It's all about you
This week was the busiest work week I have had in a long time! I truly love what I do and feel very blessed to be able to make a difference in people's lives and to help them reach their goal. When I teach or work with clients it is all about them. Their goals, their bodies, their families, and how to move toward making their lives healthier and full of energy.
When the classes have finished and the training sessions are over for the day I take a deep breath and then it becomes all about me. I realized this week that we spend a lot of time making other people happy. Our families, friends, coworkers, clients, and the list goes on and on. This week I didn't do my normal workouts, I didn't eat my normal lunch, and by the end of the week our apartment looked like a hurricane hit it. I gave it my all and I am proud of myself but now it's time for a book, a glass of wine, and a dinner with JB.
It so important for your health to take time for yourself. We need it to rejuvenate. Time moves fast. What makes you happy? Chances are that when you find that, everything else falls into place. If you can't have your dream job then have your dream life out of your job and work hard so that you can create the happiness you want. It's not about money, although I do believe it helps!
Be proud of yourself, take care of others, eat healthy, exercise, and have a kind heart. At the end of the day a glass of wine or a great dinner will be waiting for you.
Have a fabulous weekend!
In Health,
Monday, May 24, 2010
Summertime Fruits and Vegetables
The summer sunshine brings us a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to choose from. According to the Food Guide Pyramid we should eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin and nutrients.
1. Vitamin A found in tomato, broccoli, and brussels sprouts may improve vision, promote bone health, and maintains healthy hair and skin.
2. Vitamin B found in avocados, peaches, and watermelon help the cells in your body convert carbohydrates into energy.
3. Vitamin C found in green peppers and strawberries is a powerful antioxidant that protect your cells from the effects of free radicals, which are damaging by-products of metabolism and may be a contributing cause of cancer.
4. Vitamin K is found in raspberries and cucumbers, helps to keep blood from clotting and assists in bone health.
Fruits and vegetables can be a great snack to have on hand and also should be added to every meal. Here are some ideas to get your five servings of fruits and vegetables per day:
1. Keep cleaned strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries in a bowl in your fridge for a quick snack throughout the day.
2. Steam broccoli and carrots and add fresh herbs for a quick side for your dinner.
3. Roast brussels sprouts, cherry tomatoes, red onion, and asparagus tossed in olive oil and rosemary in the oven. Serve with grilled chicken.
4. Slice tomatoes and add balsamic vinegar, chopped red onion, basil, pepper, and oregano for a a great summer salad! Add mozzarella or top with some parmesan cheese.
5. Slice avocado for an easy salad topper. One of my favorite salads is fresh greens topped with chopped red onion, dried cranberries, and an avocado dressing. To make the avocado dressing simply slice the avocado and mush it up like you would for guacamole, add some pepper and put over salad.
Summer is only 4 weeks away! This week try to get your five servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Eat your fruits and vegetables first at every meal to fill up on those before eating your carb and protein.
In Health,
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Breathe, Bend, Stretch
Yoga is a great way to exercise but there are numerous other benefits as well. Yoga keeps you flexible in mind and body. It allows you to quiet your mind from all the distractions you face everyday. For me, Yoga is a way to come back into my body and forget about everything else. It reminds me to breathe, focus, and relax.
I put together a short yoga sequence for you to do any time you need to breathe, bend, stretch and take a moment for yourself. If you aren't familiar with the exercises, a great resource is They have a directory of exercises and how to perform them. Also, feel free to email me with questions!
Sunshine Yoga Series
Your version of Vinyasa
Low Lunge (Rt)
Your version of Vinyasa
Low Lunge (left)
Your version of Vinyasa
Low Lunge, Crescent Lunge (Rt)
Your version of Vinyasa
Low Lunge, Crescent Lunge (left)
Your version of Vinyasa
Crescent Lunge, Warrior 2, (Right)
Your version of Vinyasa
Crescent Lunge, Warrior 2 (Left)
Your version of Vinyasa
Warrior 2, Side Angle (Right)
Your version of Vinyasa
Warrior 2, Side Angle (Right)
Your version of Vinyasa
Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, Warrior 2 (Right)
Your version of Vinyasa
Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, Warrior 2 (Left)
Your version of Vinyasa
Child's Pose
In Health,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Keeping Track
I have been using the website for many years. I use it to get back on track after a weekend of too many meals out, after a vacation, or just to check in with myself and make sure I am not overeating. It is also a great way to keep track of the vitamins and minerals you are consuming so that you know if you may need to talk to your doctor about supplements or taking a daily vitamin.
There are 5 weeks till summer and every week I am going to give you a challenge. This week I challenge you to use or any other application to keep track of your calories. You may surprise yourself at how many calories your salad at lunch really is or how many calories your nightly glass of wine adds up to!
Our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is how many calories our bodies use at rest. It is a helpful way to know how many calories you should average per day.
Use the formulas below to figure out your BMR:
Women:BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )
Then, using the Harris Benedict Formula that is below you can determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor:
If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9
For example:
1. You are a woman that weighs 150 pounds, is 65 inches tall, and is 45 years old. Your daily activity is sedentary.
2. BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x 150 ) + ( 4.7 x 65 ) - ( 4.7 x 45 )= 655+652.50+ 305.5- 211.50+ 1401.5
3. 1401.5 calories needed per day to maintain your current weight of 150 pounds.
4. If you would like to lose 10 pounds then complete the formula using 140 pounds as your weight to see how many calories you should consume per day to lose 10 pounds.
There is only 35 days till bathing suit season comes again! Start keeping track of your calories today!
In Health,
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Nuts about Health!
Nuts are a vegetarian's dream since they contain protein. They are also rich in Fiber, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
1. Fiber- Increases bulk in digestive tract and increases regularity
2. Vitamin E- may help to prevent or delay diseases caused by free radicals in the body such as cancer and heart disease
3. Selenium- may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory diseases
4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids- may reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. They are also important for memory.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, eating about a handful (1.5 ounces) a day of nuts may reduce your risk of heart disease. Nuts are high in fat so it is important not to overeat them. One ounce of almonds contains 14 grams of fat and 163 calories. Enjoy them with some fruit or on top of salads!
In Health,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Back to the Real World
I returned from vacation yesterday with a great tan, rested mind, and memories of the sunshine. We had a great time and visited with great friends! The day after vacation is always surreal as I get back into the swing of things, work, chores, and my regular eating and exercise program. As summer approaches I thought this would be a great time to give some tips on how to stay on track over your vacation so that you still have fun and relax but don't come back home feeling bloated and out of routine.
I love to exercise on vacation, I know I am of a select few but it makes me feel refreshed! Hotel gyms are usually empty which means full control of the TV, radio, and equipment!
1. If possible select a hotel that has a gym or group classes that you can join.
2. Pack two sets of exercise clothes for every 5 days of vacation. Use them.
3. Go for a walk and enjoy the beach, the lake, or wherever you are. I have been able to explore areas I wouldn't have normally seen on my walks and runs on vacations.
There are numerous opportunities on vacation to indulge in greasy, sugary foods. While I was visiting my home town I was very excited for a pasta dish at a local restaurant. Here are some tips on how to indulge but not go too far.
1. Spilt your favorite meal with someone. That way you enjoy your food without eating the whole bowl.
2. Start the morning with fresh fruit. It's a great way to fill up while still allowing your body to digest whatever you indulged in the day before.
3. Have some type of vegetable with each meal. Eat the vegetable first and then enjoy your food. You will eat less and get your serving of veggies.
In Health,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Spring Cleaning
To Cleanse or not to Cleanse?
Most of us had heard about Detox diets. Everyone in Hollywood is doing it, chances are you know someone who has tried it, and I am here to tell you about it. I have tried a few cleanse diets and always feel better after a few days. I use it to recharge my body and give it a break. Like most of you, I like good food, and I like good wine and sometimes I just need to take a break from it.
Benefits of a Detox Diet:
1. Releases toxins such as food additives and and pesticides that we may ingest along with our foods.
2. Gives your digestive system a break by eating foods that are easier for your body to breakdown.
3. Can help you reassess your eating habits and get your started on a healthier path.
4. After the Detox you may feel energized, have clearer skin, healthier bathroom habits, and increased concentration.
My personal cleanse is to eat as many fruits and vegetables that I want to over a period of 3 days. I don't drink coffee, wine, or any type of caffeine. I drink lots of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon and green tea. There are many types of detox plans, it is important to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to find what works for you. If you are pregnant, nursing, or have any other illnesses that you are taking medication for you should not cleanse unless you have supervision of a doctor.
During the detox days I do Yoga or Pilates and take longs walks. Light exercise helps to release toxins through sweat and gives all of your body systems an extra boost. A side effect of a detox diet is headaches. I usually get them because I stop drinking coffee for a few days and my body is very used to that caffeine fix! I have found that green tea and early to bed is usually helpful.
For more information check out the following:
In Health,
Friday, April 16, 2010

“The happiest people are those who think the most interesting thoughts. Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. And they are not only happy in themselves, they are the cause of happiness in others.”- William Lyon Phelps
Being healthy and fit is not only about food and exercise. It is Friday and time for the weekend and I encourage all of you to take some time, sit back, and relax. Do something that makes you happy. Spend time with your family, friends, or alone. Read a book, listen to live music, or as my mom likes to say, just go sit outside! Take a moment to be thankful for the people you love and who love you back.
In Health,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Rainy Day Workout
Has the rain dampened your outside workout plans? An indoor circuit is just what you need!
Perform each exercise for one minute and then repeat for a thirty minute workout.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Plank- top of a push up position and hold
3. Jog in Place
4. Tricep Dips- Sit on a chair, hand at your sides, lift your booty off the bench, bend your elbows to lower toward the floor then push your arms straight
5. Front kicks in place
6. Front lunge- hands on hips step forward with the left leg, bending 90 degrees, alternating legs
7. Push Ups
8. Alternating Side kicks
9. Basic Crunch
10. Twisting Side Planks- start in a plank position then twist to the left lift left hand to ceiling, return to center and repeat on the other side.
11. Squats- sit back like you are sitting in a chair and then stand back up
12. Bridges- lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on floor, squeeze your booty and lift your hips up to the ceiling, then lower and repeat
13. Side lunges- step left leg out to side bending left knee then return to center, repeat other side
14. Criss Cross Abs- lie on back, knees into chest, hands behind your head, reach left elbow to right knee while the left leg extends, then repeat on the other side
15. Butt Kicks in place- similar to jogging but lift your heels toward your booty each time
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Balancing Act
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein
We all strive to create balance in our lives. We try to balance time at work, with family, and with friends. We balance our finances, the time we spent outdoors versus indoors, our time for fun and our time to clean. Creating balance is also important for your health and fitness.
Eating a balanced diet is a way to ensure you are getting enough vitamins, nutrients, and not eating the same foods all of the time. Here are some tips to help you balance your daily intake:
1. Eat your colors. Your plate of food should be colorful. Some suggestions to add to your meals are red peppers, orange carrots, green beans, blueberries, purple grapes. Look for bright colorful foods.
2. If you have carbs for breakfast, have protein for lunch. Balance your last meal with your next meal. For example, if you have spaghetti for lunch, have chicken and vegetables for dinner.
3. Drink plenty of water. Caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages dehydrate our bodies. Replace those fluids with plenty of water. A good rule of thumb is to drink half of your weight in ounces. If you weight 140 pounds then try to drink 70 ounces of water per day.
Balance exercises can improve coordination, prevent falls and, reduce injuries. Here are some ways to include balance exercises in your routine:
1. While talking on the phone, standing in line, or waiting stand on one leg.
2. Stand on one leg while putting on your shoes.
3. Perform one legged squats: stand with feet hip width apart, lift your left foot off the floor, sit back like you are sitting in a chair and then stand up. Repeat 10 times and switch legs.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Lettuce Wraps
One of my favorite light meals is Lettuce Wraps which JB made for me when we first started dating. They can made as a meal, a side, or as an appetizer! The following recipe makes enough for 5-6 servings.
JB's Lettuce Wraps
Romaine or Butter Lettuce with leaves separated
1 can of rinsed Black Beans
1 small can of Corn or One Corn on the Cob with the kernels cut off
1 Zucchini sliced in half moons
2 Bunches of Broccoli with florets removed from stem
1/2 Red Onion diced
1 Red Pepper diced
1/2 Jalapeno Pepper diced (optional)
Olive Oil
1 Avocado sliced
Saute vegetables in Olive Oil then transfer to a large bowl and mix with finely chopped cilantro, cracked black pepper, and sea salt. Evenly distribute the vegetable mixture into the lettuce leaves. Top with sliced avocado and serve!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Just Breathe
Yoga is a great way to relax and unwind but it also provides many other health and fitness benefits. A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who practiced yoga regularly ate more mindfully than those who did not. Yoga may also keep your immune system healthy by lowering stress and keeping the lungs active.
Try these moves to relax, breathe deep, and work your core muscles!
Cat/ Cow
Place hands below the shoulders and knees below the hips in a table top position with a flat back. Exhale and round the spine, pull abdominal muscles in and let head release and tailbone curl toward floor. One the inhale slowly arch your spine and point tailbone to ceiling. Repeat for 10-12 breaths.
Spread out fingers and place palms (or forearms) shoulder width apart. Curl toes under and lift body to a "top of a push up" position. To modify you can be on your knees. Maintain a straight line from the top of your head to your hips, to your knees.
Pull navel in toward your spin to support your back and work your core.
In Health,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Live Well
Last night on The Biggest Loser one of the men who had been walking up steps one at a time finally got the strength and courage to walk up the steps with one foot in front of the other. It was an incredible moment for him and I thought to myself how amazing he must feel.
We all have something we need to overcome. It could be those last few pounds, trying a new class you have been thinking about, walking around the block, or maybe calling a friend you lost touch with. So, I ask... what are you waiting for? Make a plan of baby steps to get you to your goal, take those steps and overcome it.
We have all heard it many times, life it too short, and it is true. As you take whatever journey you are taking in life and as you set fitness and health goals for yourself remember that the bottom line is you must do what makes you happy. Don't think so much about what you are giving up and think about what is then available to you.
So take that class, give up sugar if it makes you feel bad, commit yourself to lose the weight you need to, you will be happy that you did and you will smile just like that man did on the TV show last night!
In Health,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Beat Gym Boredom
Our bodies get used to routine and thereby it uses less energy to do that routine. Therefore, 20 minutes on the elliptical uses less energy now than it did for you 3 months ago. We should constantly change our routine to burn more calories and to have fun!
Here are some great ways to switch things up:
1. Instead of walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes ask a trainer how to use another piece of cardio equipment and split the time on that machine.
2. Do you use the elliptical every time you go to the gym? Try jogging on the treadmill one of those days.
3. Spending endless minutes on the bike? Try a Spin class and get a great workout in one hour!
4. Add Strength Training to your routine at least twice a week. Check your club's schedule and take a strength training or circuit class.
5. Treat your self and meet with a trainer to learn some new exercises, grab a friend and catch up while you are working out!
The most important this is to remember to have fun! There are so many great classes in the fitness industry, you can dance, stretch, and jump your way through a workout and forget that you were even "working out"!
As always, please email me any questions, comments, or topics you would like me discuss!
In Health,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Meat Free Monday
Did you know that raising livestock for consumption contributes more to the climate changes on the planet than the whole transportation industry?
Check out for more information about the Meat Free Monday Campaign.
In Health,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Picnic Dinner
One of our favorite ways to have a healthy, easy dinner is to have an indoor picnic! Fresh bread from the bakery, a small assortment of cheese from the local cheese store, an antipasto plate for JB, and a big bowl of bruschetta! We keep our bruschetta simple and make it with fresh tomatoes, basil, red onion, balsamic vinegar, and pepper.
An easy Sunday dinner gives you time to sit back, relax, and remember warmer days are coming soon!
In Health, Tricia
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What's in your lunch?
I was at the grocery store and couldn't help but pick up a packet of a popular kids lunch found in the lunch meat section. One of the options has 370 calories, 11 grams of fat and an ingredient list that is well over 30 items. The ingredients include things like NATAMYCIN, PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED COTTONSEED OIL, ACESULFAME POTASSIUM , and ALPHA CELLULOSE. Do you even know how to pronounce all of those let alone what they are? I looked up Partially Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil and here is what I found that it is a trans fat and that Wikipedia states in thier definition of a trans fat that, "Health authorities worldwide recommend that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts. Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils are more harmful than naturally occurring oils".
I delved futher and picked up a more popular lunch for adults that even has "Healthy" on the label. It also contained Partially Hydrogentaed Cottonseed Oil. The ingredient list was well over 40 items and I couldn't pronounce half of them. Take a look at the ingredients in what you are having for lunch today and google a few of the ingredients that you can't pronounce. I think you will surprise yourself and maybe even tell me what Lucost Bean Gum is.
So, what are good food choices? It's time to get back to the basics. An apple, orange, or a pear with natural peanut butter and organic jelly on whole wheat bread with a bottle of water for your child covers all thier nutritional needs. For you, a simple salad with Olive oil and Balsamic dressing on top, perhaps with some leftover grilled chicken from last nights dinner.
In Health,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
How much cardio should I do?
Here are the guidelines based on the American Heart Association and American College of Sports Medicine:
*Please remember to talk to your doctor before begining any exercise program.
1. Adults over 18 should do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity five days a week or at least 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity three days a week.
2. Adults should also do both strength-training exercises and flexibility exercises at least twice a week as well as balance exercises.
The more exercise you do on a weekly basis the more health benefits you will achieve.
I hope this helps! Send me an email if you are interested in a more specific program for your goals or talk to a trainer at your gym!
In Health,
Monday, March 22, 2010
80/20 and Food Portions
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Happy Spring!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Check out the bones on her!!!
- Get plenty of sunlight but be sure to wear skin protection. Go for a walk or a bike ride. Have a healthy picnic lunch on a nice day. Enjoy some time with friends an outdoor cafe.
- Eat plenty of foods that contain Calcium and Vitamin D including dairy products, enriched orange juice and cereals, tofu, and tahini.
- Ask your doctor if a supplement is right for you.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy daylight savings!
Spring is just around the corner and as promised here is a healthy recipe from JB! His Grapefruit and Gouda Spring Salad is a perfect accompaniment to grilled salmon, chicken, or a medley of grilled vegetables!
Grapefruit and Gouda Spring Salad
(Serves 4)
2 Avocado
1 Lemon
2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 Head of Butter Lettuce
1/2 Red Onion
1 Grapefruit
1/4 Pound of Gouda Cheese
Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper
1. Peel and Slice Avocado and place in bowl.
2. Zest the lemon skin and set aside.
3. Juice the lemon and pour on top of avocado slices. Add the olive oil to the bowl as well.
4. Wash and chop the butter lettuce then separate into 4 bowls.
5. Cut red onion into half moons and finely dice, then sprinkle on top of lettuce in four bowls.
6. Peel the grapefruit then cut each segment out with a knife over the bowl of avocado so that the excess juice is added, then evenly distribute the segments among the 4 bowls.
7. Thinly shave strips of Gouda cheese and place on top of each salad.
8. Remove avocado slices from the bowl and place around the edge of each salad bowl.
9. Add cracked black pepper and pinch of sea salt to the lemon juice, grapefruit juice, olive oil, and zest combination, whisk till combined, then drizzle on top of each salad and serve.
In Health,
Friday, March 12, 2010
Buns, Thighs, and Tris!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
On Your Way to a 5k
Need a great way to stick to your workout plan, give yourself a little extra motivation, lose those last few pounds, and maybe meet some new friends along the way? Train for a 5k!
- Drink lots of water before, during, and after your workouts.
- Make a playlist of your favorite songs to listen to!
- Ask a friend, family member, or coworker to race with you.
- Register for the race right away so that it is on your calendar and you can plan around it.
- If you workout in the morning set out your clothes the night before.
- If you workout after work, walk in the door and put your gym clothes on or change before you even leave work!
- Remember that if you are worried about your health or your joints to speak with a doctor before you begin any exercise program.
- Go to and click the Races and Places tab to find a 5k near you. Chances are there is one right in your hometown!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Calories in Versus Calories Out
When it comes to weight loss the bottom line is you have to burn more calories than you are consuming. One pound equals 3,500 calories. Therefore, if you would like to lose a pound a week you have to burn off or reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories.