Everyday, at 3pm my stomach growls. Breakfast was at 7am, lunch sometime around noon, a workout in between and there is still at least 3 hours till dinner. What's a girl (or guy) to do? Eat!!!
Some of us get tired in the afternoon, some of us hungry. Here are a few tips to beat the late afternoon slumps and those stomach growls:
1. Go for a walk. If you can get outside walk outside. If you are in the office, take a walk around, go say hello to a friend. Moving your body a little bit will get your blood flowing and wake you up.
2. Have a protein packed snack. An apple with natural peanut butter, a handful of almonds, hummus and carrots. This will help to raise your blood sugar slowly and give you more energy.
3. Have some tea. Green tea or Peppermint Tea (peppermint is an energy enhancing scent) is best but if you are a coffee addict a cup of decaf coffee will do the trick without giving you a caffeine filled evening.
4. Drink water. Low energy levels and hunger growls could mean you are dehydrated. Drink a glass or two of water and see if that helps!
5. Turn on some upbeat music that helps to wake you up. Maybe even dance around if you can!!!
In Health,
At Sunshine Fitness by Tricia my mission is to empower women, men, and families to live a healthier, more energetic, and fun filled lifestyle.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Noodle-less Lasagna
I made this fabulous lasagna for Christmas dinner and wanted to share it with everyone. It's a great alternative if you are cutting out carbs and/or meat.
Noodle-less Lasagna
*makes enough for a small casserole dish
1 Eggplant- peel and slice lengthwise about 1/4 inch thick
2 Zucchini- sliced lengthwise about 1/4 inch thick
1 cup of broccoli florets
1 bag of low-fat Italian cheese mix
1 large container of part skim ricotta cheese
1 jar of your favorite tomato sauce
Olive oil
Red Pepper Flakes (if desired)
Pam or cooking spray
1. Toss all eggplant and zucchini lightly in olive oil and sprinkle salt, pepper, oregano, and red pepper flakes on top. Roast eggplant and zucchini on a cookie sheet to get the water out.
2. Mix ricotta and Italian cheese together and set aside.
3. Spray casserole dish with Pam. In your casserole dish pour a little sauce to coat the bottom. Then layer by layer you will do eggplant, cheese mixture, sauce, broccoli, zucchini, then cheese, sauce, etc until you use all ingredients. Lay the eggplant and zucchini just how you would if they were noodles. Top with cheese.
4. Bake at 425 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Top should be golden brown and it should be bubbling!
In Health,
Monday, December 12, 2011
Why you should never stop dreaming...
I was having a conversation with a friend last week about happiness. What makes people thrive and feel fulfilled. We talked for an hour on the subject. This time of year many people start to reflect on the past year and make their resolutions for the new year. I'm a happy person. It's just who I am. I feel like it takes time to be miserable and I'm too busy for that. I also feel life has too much to offer and I have to much living to do to sweat the small stuff (and like someone once said "it's all small stuff").
Life can sucker punch you in the face sometimes. Things come out of nowhere. Accidents, deaths, last minute interruptions, break-ups, financial woes, the list can go on and on. At the end of the day none of those things DEFINE you. While I know some events in life are more serious than others and some things take a little longer, I also use this quote to express my thought.."this to shall pass." Life is constantly moving on. It doesn't stop just because you've had a bad moment, and bad day, a bad week.
Here are some of the ways I get and stay happy (sunshiny, if you will)
1. Always having something to look forward to. It can be as simple as coffee with a friend or as big as a vacation. Put something on your calendar at least every month that you are excited about. Eventually plan something every week, and then yes EVERYDAY.
2. I believe that the moment you stop dreaming you get stagnant. I ask a lot of people "what do you dream of being/doing". I am surprised when people say the obligatory "I don't know". If you don't know what you want out of YOUR OWN life than stop reading this blog and go find it. No one can make you happy if you don't even know what it is that makes you happy.
3. I believe that happiness is about attitude. 100%. You CHOOSE your emotions, your reactions, your words. 99% of the time make them positive. CHOOSE to be happy.
4. I believe that physical health and fitness is the gateway to mental health and fitness. If I am stressed, sad, or angry the first place you will find me is on an Elliptical or Treadmill. Not a class, just me, my music, and my body doing the same thing over and over. I exercise EVERYDAY. Seven days a week. I know that's hard for many of you, but really, is it? You just need 20 minutes a day.
5. Believe in something. This "something" can be a religion, it can be a project, work, a charity, just something that gives you meaning.
6. Take time for silence. Time for yourself. EVERYDAY. If that means you need to lock the bathroom door for ten minutes to tune it all out then do it! It's nice to "hear yourself think". After all, your not so bad!
In Health,
Life can sucker punch you in the face sometimes. Things come out of nowhere. Accidents, deaths, last minute interruptions, break-ups, financial woes, the list can go on and on. At the end of the day none of those things DEFINE you. While I know some events in life are more serious than others and some things take a little longer, I also use this quote to express my thought.."this to shall pass." Life is constantly moving on. It doesn't stop just because you've had a bad moment, and bad day, a bad week.
Here are some of the ways I get and stay happy (sunshiny, if you will)
1. Always having something to look forward to. It can be as simple as coffee with a friend or as big as a vacation. Put something on your calendar at least every month that you are excited about. Eventually plan something every week, and then yes EVERYDAY.
2. I believe that the moment you stop dreaming you get stagnant. I ask a lot of people "what do you dream of being/doing". I am surprised when people say the obligatory "I don't know". If you don't know what you want out of YOUR OWN life than stop reading this blog and go find it. No one can make you happy if you don't even know what it is that makes you happy.
3. I believe that happiness is about attitude. 100%. You CHOOSE your emotions, your reactions, your words. 99% of the time make them positive. CHOOSE to be happy.
4. I believe that physical health and fitness is the gateway to mental health and fitness. If I am stressed, sad, or angry the first place you will find me is on an Elliptical or Treadmill. Not a class, just me, my music, and my body doing the same thing over and over. I exercise EVERYDAY. Seven days a week. I know that's hard for many of you, but really, is it? You just need 20 minutes a day.
5. Believe in something. This "something" can be a religion, it can be a project, work, a charity, just something that gives you meaning.
6. Take time for silence. Time for yourself. EVERYDAY. If that means you need to lock the bathroom door for ten minutes to tune it all out then do it! It's nice to "hear yourself think". After all, your not so bad!
In Health,
Friday, December 9, 2011
Holiday Helpers
It's been said that workouts drop by 30% around the holidays. Are you skipping workouts to get your holiday shopping done? Are you eating more appetizers and having more cocktails and too sleepy to get out of bed for your morning run?
Holiday weight gain is usually only an average of one pound. However, that one pound can quickly turn to five if you don't get your momentum back!
A few Holiday Helpers to keep you moving and healthy through the holidays:
1. Drink Water. Drink at least half you body weight in ounces. Staying hydrated makes you feel full, it speeds up your metabolism, and helps to get rid of waste and toxins in your system. It will also help you get over that hangover from too many candy cane cocktails!
2. Exercise. Don't skip your workouts. If you only have time for 20 minutes then do Intervals of high heart rate and low heart rate to burn as many calories as you can.
3. Watch the carbs. The "white carbs". Go easy on white breads, pastas, rice, cakes, cookies, chips, etc. Instead have a piece of hard candy for something sweet. Sip on peppermint tea. It satisfies cravings, improves digestion, and gives you a mug to hold so you can't reach for those Snickerdoodle cookies!
4. Eat A LOT of Fruits and Veggies. Crowd out your diet with apples, carrots, broccoli, and other fruits and veggies. If you fill up on those you won't have room for the high fat, high calorie treats.
5. Eat normal meals everyday, even on days of celebrations. We all do it, we "save" our calories for the party or the fabulous dinner only to get there and literally eat EVERYTHING in front of us. STOP THE MADNESS!!! Have a breakfast with whole wheat carbs, protein, and some fruit or veggies. Have a salad with protein for lunch to keep you full. Drink plenty of water. Have an afternoon apple with peanut butter or carrots with hummus. Don't go to the holiday party starving. it will only backfire.
In Health,
Holiday weight gain is usually only an average of one pound. However, that one pound can quickly turn to five if you don't get your momentum back!
A few Holiday Helpers to keep you moving and healthy through the holidays:
1. Drink Water. Drink at least half you body weight in ounces. Staying hydrated makes you feel full, it speeds up your metabolism, and helps to get rid of waste and toxins in your system. It will also help you get over that hangover from too many candy cane cocktails!
2. Exercise. Don't skip your workouts. If you only have time for 20 minutes then do Intervals of high heart rate and low heart rate to burn as many calories as you can.
3. Watch the carbs. The "white carbs". Go easy on white breads, pastas, rice, cakes, cookies, chips, etc. Instead have a piece of hard candy for something sweet. Sip on peppermint tea. It satisfies cravings, improves digestion, and gives you a mug to hold so you can't reach for those Snickerdoodle cookies!
4. Eat A LOT of Fruits and Veggies. Crowd out your diet with apples, carrots, broccoli, and other fruits and veggies. If you fill up on those you won't have room for the high fat, high calorie treats.
5. Eat normal meals everyday, even on days of celebrations. We all do it, we "save" our calories for the party or the fabulous dinner only to get there and literally eat EVERYTHING in front of us. STOP THE MADNESS!!! Have a breakfast with whole wheat carbs, protein, and some fruit or veggies. Have a salad with protein for lunch to keep you full. Drink plenty of water. Have an afternoon apple with peanut butter or carrots with hummus. Don't go to the holiday party starving. it will only backfire.
In Health,
Monday, December 5, 2011
Meatless Monday Recipe: Oatmeal with Apples and Cinnamon
When shopping by the big container of Old Fashioned Quaker Oats.
Start with oatmeal, add fresh fruit, nuts, and spices!
Here are a few ways to enjoy this easy, healthy food:
1. Add a diced apple, 1 tablespoon on cinnamon, sliced almonds, and a packet of Stevia.
2. Add skim milk, strawberries, and crushed walnuts.
3. Add banana and peanut butter.
4. Add granola, blueberries, and crushed pecans.
In Health,
Sunday, December 4, 2011
These are a few of my favorite things...
I always say that health is not always about how you look. It's about how you feel. Yes, we strive to keep the scale down and we strive to eat our vegetables but at the end of the day you should feel happy, well, content. If you don't its time to look at your daily routine and make some changes. Look within, at your own self, your own life.
Here are a few of my favorite ways to be happy. I encourage you to make your own list and make some changes NOW!
1. Coffee in the morning. It's a MUST. I'm not addicted to caffeine (okay, yes maybe I am) it's more that I love the ritual. The steamy hot coffee in my favorite mug pick of the day. Cozy on the couch watching the morning news. This sets my day and wakes me up.
2. A workout. It's no secret, I love to exercise. I will make room for it in my day. Morning, noon, evening. It's a MUST DO for me. A walk, a class at Pilates ProWorks, the gym (because yes, I still love to get on the elliptical for an hour), a video at home. Exercise is good for us. It burns calories, increases our endorphins, and flushes our systems. You will never regret that you exercised.
3. A good book. I read every night before bed. It's my wind down time. It's how I let me body know it's time to get ready for sleep. It's important to have a ritual for bedtime. Give your body a chance to slow down and you will find you sleep better.
4. Something to look forward to. Some days I have long days. 6 hours straight of teaching, of clients, of constant talking, smiling, and doing my best to motivate. I don't have a cubicle to go hide in if I happen to be having a tough day or I'm tired. I have to be ON. Which means I have to THINK positive in order to BE positive. I am a believer that attitude is everything. If you change the way you think it will change the way you feel. On those days where the end of the day seems forever away, I think of something mid day that could turn it all around. A cappuccino, a great lunch, plans with JB after work, a walk with a friend. Having something to look forward to puts the focus on that.
5. A manicure and a pedicure. Ladies, even in the middle of winter its okay, even necessary, to get your toes done. It makes you relax for those 30 minutes, it makes you feel pretty, it's a simple pick me up.
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." ~Margaret Young
In Health (and Happiness),
Here are a few of my favorite ways to be happy. I encourage you to make your own list and make some changes NOW!
1. Coffee in the morning. It's a MUST. I'm not addicted to caffeine (okay, yes maybe I am) it's more that I love the ritual. The steamy hot coffee in my favorite mug pick of the day. Cozy on the couch watching the morning news. This sets my day and wakes me up.
2. A workout. It's no secret, I love to exercise. I will make room for it in my day. Morning, noon, evening. It's a MUST DO for me. A walk, a class at Pilates ProWorks, the gym (because yes, I still love to get on the elliptical for an hour), a video at home. Exercise is good for us. It burns calories, increases our endorphins, and flushes our systems. You will never regret that you exercised.
3. A good book. I read every night before bed. It's my wind down time. It's how I let me body know it's time to get ready for sleep. It's important to have a ritual for bedtime. Give your body a chance to slow down and you will find you sleep better.
4. Something to look forward to. Some days I have long days. 6 hours straight of teaching, of clients, of constant talking, smiling, and doing my best to motivate. I don't have a cubicle to go hide in if I happen to be having a tough day or I'm tired. I have to be ON. Which means I have to THINK positive in order to BE positive. I am a believer that attitude is everything. If you change the way you think it will change the way you feel. On those days where the end of the day seems forever away, I think of something mid day that could turn it all around. A cappuccino, a great lunch, plans with JB after work, a walk with a friend. Having something to look forward to puts the focus on that.
5. A manicure and a pedicure. Ladies, even in the middle of winter its okay, even necessary, to get your toes done. It makes you relax for those 30 minutes, it makes you feel pretty, it's a simple pick me up.
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want." ~Margaret Young
In Health (and Happiness),
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cheese PLEASE!!!

I love cheese. I could have it on or with every meal. I could dip it, slice it, shred it, melt it, you name it, and I will eat it. More specifically, I like good cheese. The kind of cheese you get at a speciality store after tasting 10 others only to decide the first one you tried was the best one. Unfortunately, cheese is not exactly low calorie and it sure isn't low in fat. So, whats a girl to do? Listen ladies (and gentlemen), you can still have your cheese, and your wine too, if you just make healthier choices.
Nutritional Information about Cheese:
1. Calcium and Phosphorous which helps to strengthen bones and teeth.
2. Protein for building and repairing muscles.
3. Most hard cheeses (cheddar, swiss) have about 8-9 grams of fat per serving. One serving of cheese is about equal to 4 die put together, or one ounce.
4. Part skim Ricotta, mozzarella, and Parmesan are naturally lower in fat than most other cheeses.
5. Sharp cheddar, Gorgonzola, Parmesan, and asiago are aged cheeses and therefore have a stronger taste. You don't need as much of these cheeses to get your fix. Sprinkle on salad, pasta, in soups.
6. Goat Cheese (my personal favorite) is lower in fat and calories than cow's milk cheese.
How to eat cheese and not pack on the pounds:
1. Use lighter versions of cheese when possible. Fat free cheeses have added chemicals and ingredients so choose low fat or regular fat cheese and stick to your serving size of one ounce!
2. I love bread and cheese or crackers and cheese at a party. Use a plate for your cheese and don't get back for seconds! Have crudite instead.
3. Parmesan cheese is a great salad topper. it gives you the flavor and the feel of cheese without too many calories or too much fat.
Cheese is not the enemy. Enjoy it in mindful servings. The higher quality the cheese is the less cheese you will need!
In health,
Meatless Monday Recipe: Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Chipotle Sour Cream
One of the best ways to conquer a Thanksgiving weekend of indulgence is with an easy to digest bowl of soup. JB made this on Thanksgiving Day and it is divine! Make a big batch and put into containers to take for lunch all week. Serve with a small salad for an even healthier dinner. Squash contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Fiber.
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Chipotle Sour Cream
* Serves 4
The Soup:
One large Butternut Squash, peeled, de-seeded, and cubed
2 large carrots, diced
2 stalks of celery, diced
1 white onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic, pressed or finely chopped
4 cups of vegetable broth
a bunch of fresh thyme
olive oil
Toss Butternut Squash with Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, and a tablespoon on fresh Thyme. Roast in oven at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes (until fork tender). Set aside and let cool.
In a soup pot combine carrots, celery, and onion. Saute in Olive Oil till soft. Add garlic and saute about 2 minutes. Add in Butternut Squash. Add 4 cups of vegetable broth and bring to a simmer. Simmer 30 minutes to let flavors combine. Use immersion blender to puree the soup.
The Sour Cream:
1/2 cup of light or fat free sour cream
canned chipotle chilies (in adobo sauce if possible)
Mince about 4-5 chipotles and add to sour cream. Add a pinch of fresh thyme, salt, pepper. Refrigerate to let sit while you cook the soup. Prior to serving, use a teaspoon to scoop and swirl in the sour cream to the soup.
In Health,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving, next to Halloween, has always been one of my favorite holidays. The only expectation people have of you is to drink and eat. Then, of course, there is the fact that it's a holiday where we should give thanks for what matters most in our life. What matters most to you? At the end of the day what makes it a good day?
I am thankful for JB. He is the light of my life and it helps that he's a pretty good cook! He made an amazing meal on Thanksgiving and topped it off with Schramsberg Bubbles and Elizabeth Spencer Wine. I am thankful for a job that I love. A job that most recently put me in NYC to hire and train our newest Pilates ProWorks Instructors! I am thankful for friends who open their homes to me, who come visit me either across the country or a train ride away. I am thankful for a family that loves me and skypes us every Thanksgiving so that we feel like we are a part of the festivities.
In Health,
Monday, November 7, 2011
Meatless Monday Recipe: Asparagus Soup with Parmesan Crisps
It's been chilly here in San Francisco, Fall has officially set it. On Saturday I wanted something for dinner that warmed the belly but that wasn't overly fattening or full of carbs. JB came up with this Asparagus Soup recipe that is healthy, low-fat, and full of flavor!!
Asparagus Soup and Parmesan Crisps
Make about 5 bowls and 6 crisps
1 russet potato, peeled and chopped
2 bunches of asparagus, bottoms removed and rough chop (put aside 1 bunch of asparagus head)
1 white onion, peeled and diced
3 cloves of garlic, diced
1/4 of red pepper, cut in thin strips
4 cups of vegetable stock
1/2 cups of shredded Parmesan
1-2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Chili Powder Optional
1. Saute white onion in olive oil in a soup pot till soft. Add diced garlic and saute about a minute till soft and light golden.
2. Pour stock into soup pot. Add the potatoes. Bring to boil. Then reduce to simmer.
3. Add asparagus. Continue to simmer until potatoes and asparagus are soft.
4. Take off heat and then use Immersion Blender or Regular Blender to combine ingredients to a smooth texture. Add salt and pepper to taste.
5. Saute the remaining bunch of asparagus heads in olive oil, salt, and pepper and use as a topping on the soup, along with a few strips of thinly sliced red pepper.
(Parmesan Crisps)
1. Heat a saute pan to high (spray with a light coat of olive oil spray).
2. Sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese in a small circle/disk. Depending on size of pan you can do a few at a time.
3. As cheese melts sprinkle with chili powder and black pepper.
4. Once cheese has melted and edges turn golden brown take the saute pan off the heat to let the cheese cool. Once cooled use spatula to place Parmesan crisp on paper towel to cool.
5. Place the crisp as a side garnish for dipping :)
In Health,
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Sunny Side Up: Santa Fe
New Mexico is nicknamed "The Land of Enchantment" and after a fabulous long weekend in Santa Fe, it lives up to its name. We had an amazing time. Santa Fe is beautiful, relaxing, full of great people, and one of my top vacation spots we have ever been.
We stayed at the Inn and Spa at Loretto. The Inn is beautifully decorated with a "living room" that had a huge fireplace and small bar. The restaurant at the Inn, Luminaria serves a fabulous breakfast and an equally amazing dinner. I had their Pecan Waffles topped with Pumpkin Butter and Warm Vanilla Maple syrup the morning before our hike at Tent Rocks. Tent Rocks is a National Monument that should not be missed. At one point you feel like you are in the depths of the earth and the next, on top of the world!
My big birthday surprise was a Pottery Wheel Lesson at Heidi Loewen's Studio. Heidi has gorgeous pottery and a claim to fame of being on Giada's Weekend Getaways. Our Instructor, Sara Kathryn was knowledgeable, patient, and easy to talk to. JB and I had a great time and we can't wait to get our finished pottery! Before our pottery lesson we had a cooking class at the Sante Fe School of Cooking. The Chili Amore cooking class was taught by Deena Chavetz who was fun, upbeat, and in LOVE with Santa Fe cooking. We learned how to make Red and Green Chili Sauce and Tortillas from scratch.
On Saturday mornings in Santa Fe you can't miss the outdoor Railyard Market. Coming from San Francisco and the glorious outdoor markets we have here, we were not disappointed! The only thing we hated was that we didn't have a kitchen to take home some of the fresh goodies and cook dinner! We did however, get a few Christmas presents and Pinto Beans which are currently soaking in our kitchen to be used for my Vegetarian Chili tomorrow!
There is more jewlery than one girl can handle in Santa Fe. My favorite jewelry is anything that is locally and hand made. Lucky me, I got not one but THREE local and hand made pieces! We were having some drinks at Marble Brewery and our waitress had one this eye-catching copper bracelet. We asked her about it and found out she made it! After a brief conversation it was decided she would make me one and we would meet her the next day! I love the bracelet and when we met to get it she also had on an incredible copper ring that I might have to inquire about as well!
I am saving the best for last, our meal at Pasquals. We went for my Birthday dinner, it was a chilly, crisp night and we were seated at a corner table with just enough privacy and just enough in the center of it all. I indulged in the warm brie with a roasted head of garlic and a Baguette to spread with Salsas of Roasted Tomato~Jalapeño and Tomatillo. It was A-Maz-Ing!
There is plenty more to do in Santa Fe! I was hoping it would snow while we were there but we will have to plan another trip in the winter!
In Health,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sunshine Fit Circuit- Booty Bar Fit
This week is flying by!!! Some very exciting things are happening, including the opening of Pilates ProWork's second studio in San Francisco! Today's circuit is Pilates, Bootcamp and Barre inspired since that is what my mind is infiltrated with!
Booty Bar Fit
Perform each move for 30 reps. You will need a chair for some of the moves.
1. Jumping jacks
2. Plies with wide feet facing and holding on to back of chair
3. Alternating lunges to left side holding chair with right hand
4. Right leg glute lifts- face chair, bend at hips holding chair, keep right leg straight and lift up to hip height
5. Alternating lunges to right side holding chair with left hand
6. Left leg glute lifts- face chair, bend at hips, hold chair, keep left leg straight and lift up to hip height
7. Jog in place- every time the left foot lifts that is one count
8. Knee to shoulder right leg- holding chair, leaning from hips, extend right leg straight back at hip height, turn knee and toe out, bend knee to shoulder and then straighten back to start
9. Knee to shoulder left leg- holding chair, leaning from hips, extend left leg straight back at hip height, turn knee and toe out, bend knee to shoulder and then straighten back to start
10. Crunch with alternating leg kick- lay on back, knees bent, hands behind the head, lift head and shoulders while kicking right leg to ceiling, return to start, lift head and shoulders while kicking left leg to ceiling, return to start.
In Health,
Booty Bar Fit
Perform each move for 30 reps. You will need a chair for some of the moves.
1. Jumping jacks
2. Plies with wide feet facing and holding on to back of chair
3. Alternating lunges to left side holding chair with right hand
4. Right leg glute lifts- face chair, bend at hips holding chair, keep right leg straight and lift up to hip height
5. Alternating lunges to right side holding chair with left hand
6. Left leg glute lifts- face chair, bend at hips, hold chair, keep left leg straight and lift up to hip height
7. Jog in place- every time the left foot lifts that is one count
8. Knee to shoulder right leg- holding chair, leaning from hips, extend right leg straight back at hip height, turn knee and toe out, bend knee to shoulder and then straighten back to start
9. Knee to shoulder left leg- holding chair, leaning from hips, extend left leg straight back at hip height, turn knee and toe out, bend knee to shoulder and then straighten back to start
10. Crunch with alternating leg kick- lay on back, knees bent, hands behind the head, lift head and shoulders while kicking right leg to ceiling, return to start, lift head and shoulders while kicking left leg to ceiling, return to start.
In Health,
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Happy Birthday to ME!!
If you know me, you know that I celebrate birthday "week" not just "day". That I will find any excuse to drink bubbles, ANY excuse, which means my birthday there are LOTS of bubbles! That turning 30 was not a big deal and 31 and 32 kind of just flew by (in amazing locations like Malibu and Hawaii nonetheless), and that for some reason "33" is a big deal. "It's just a number", "Your still a baby", "Wait till you turn 35!" people say... It's the day before I turn 33 and I have to say that I am as happy, healthy, and excited as I have ever been.
32 was overall a good year, it had its moments that I prefer to close the book on, but then it had more moments of pure sparkle and sunshine. I turned 32 on the shores of Hawaii, I watched good friends get married and have babies, I watched my sister and brother in law's house really start to take shape, I watched my little sister fall in love, my parents continue to love one another and me unconditionally, I've reconnected with cousins, realized that my career is in full bloom and only getting better, got more and more attached to JB's family, and had many moments that I took a look around and realized, I've got a good life, and it's only getting better.
I know this is a selfish post but maybe we all deserve a little selfishness once in a while. So, CHEERS everyone! Cheers to another fabulous year full of surprises, joy, laughter, friends, family, sparkles, and sunshine :)
In Health (and my last blog post as a 32 year old).
32 was overall a good year, it had its moments that I prefer to close the book on, but then it had more moments of pure sparkle and sunshine. I turned 32 on the shores of Hawaii, I watched good friends get married and have babies, I watched my sister and brother in law's house really start to take shape, I watched my little sister fall in love, my parents continue to love one another and me unconditionally, I've reconnected with cousins, realized that my career is in full bloom and only getting better, got more and more attached to JB's family, and had many moments that I took a look around and realized, I've got a good life, and it's only getting better.
I know this is a selfish post but maybe we all deserve a little selfishness once in a while. So, CHEERS everyone! Cheers to another fabulous year full of surprises, joy, laughter, friends, family, sparkles, and sunshine :)
In Health (and my last blog post as a 32 year old).
Monday, October 24, 2011
Meatless Mondays Recipe- Pumpkin Risotto
Halloween is only a week away so that mean pumpkins are everywhere! Pumpkin is high in Vitamin A and antioxidants. I used it to make this fabulous risotto....
Sunshine's Pumpkin Risotto
1/2 white onion diced
2 garlic cloves diced
1 tbsp. of Olive Oil
2 cups of Risotto
5 cups of Vegetable Broth
1 can of Pumpkin
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese shredded
Salt and Pepper to taste
Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil over medium heat. Add the risotto and stir to coat. Slowly add the vegetable broth, about a 1/2 cup at a time. Allow the risotto to absorb the liquid before you add the next 1/2 cup. Once risotto is cooked and has a creamy texture, stir in pumpkin, nutmeg, and Parmesan.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
If you want to make a festive presentation, serve the risotto in a small hallowed out pumpkin!
In Health,
Sunshine's Pumpkin Risotto
1/2 white onion diced
2 garlic cloves diced
1 tbsp. of Olive Oil
2 cups of Risotto
5 cups of Vegetable Broth
1 can of Pumpkin
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese shredded
Salt and Pepper to taste
Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil over medium heat. Add the risotto and stir to coat. Slowly add the vegetable broth, about a 1/2 cup at a time. Allow the risotto to absorb the liquid before you add the next 1/2 cup. Once risotto is cooked and has a creamy texture, stir in pumpkin, nutmeg, and Parmesan.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
If you want to make a festive presentation, serve the risotto in a small hallowed out pumpkin!
In Health,
Friday, October 21, 2011
Angel Island Hike
Hiking is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air. It can also decrease stress, can increase cognitive function, plus its just FUN!
For the 3 years since we've lived in San Francisco an Angel Island Hike has been on our list. Angel island is located in San Francisco Bay and is a short ferry ride over. In 1849 the US Navy took possession of the island, military buildings and batteries are scattered throughout it. The Island was considered the "Ellis Island of the West Coast" from 1910- 1940. In 1946 Angel Island was formerly abandoned. Then in 1957 it became a State Park.
We took the Ferry over and did a 5 mile hike on the Perimeter Trail. It was a bit overcast, but a great day! After the hike we took the Ferry to Tiburon for lunch at the Tiburon Grill. We had wine, beer, burgers (veggie burger for me!), and amazing sweet potato fries.
In Health,
For the 3 years since we've lived in San Francisco an Angel Island Hike has been on our list. Angel island is located in San Francisco Bay and is a short ferry ride over. In 1849 the US Navy took possession of the island, military buildings and batteries are scattered throughout it. The Island was considered the "Ellis Island of the West Coast" from 1910- 1940. In 1946 Angel Island was formerly abandoned. Then in 1957 it became a State Park.
We took the Ferry over and did a 5 mile hike on the Perimeter Trail. It was a bit overcast, but a great day! After the hike we took the Ferry to Tiburon for lunch at the Tiburon Grill. We had wine, beer, burgers (veggie burger for me!), and amazing sweet potato fries.
In Health,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
B & T Vegan Pumpkin Bread
My friend Bridgett and I met at a Bootcamp we used to work for. We have tons of fun together and have many of the same beliefs when it comes to health, fitness, exercise, and travel. We decided to team up for a few blogs and videos while she is in San Francisco for Natural Chef School. Her blog is www.bridgettblough.com if you want to take a look!
In the meantime, here is our first B & T (Bridgett and Tricia, I know we are so creative!) video!!!
In the meantime, here is our first B & T (Bridgett and Tricia, I know we are so creative!) video!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I have a new addiction. Jillian Michaels FREE podcasts. Living in San Francisco with no car means that I walk a lot and I usually have music playing and I am a happy girl. Enter Jillian. These podcasts are 45 minutes or so and cover many health and fitness topics. She is educational, funny, inspiring, and motivating. This morning on my way to work I listened to a podcast about detoxifying our lives. Meaning looking at our day and removing chemicals. Such as our hair and body products, cleaning products, pesticides on foods, processed foods, the list goes on and on.
I invite you to take a quick journey through my day and what chemicals I come into contact with before I even had lunch and how I can go about changing them. Then, take a look at yours and see what you can do for yourself.
This morning's breakfast was Morningstar Farms Veggie Sausages and some leftover black beans, corn, and peppers from last night's dinner. The leftovers are perfectly chemical free. The veggie sausages, not so much. In fact, there are more weird ingredients listed on the back that I care to even mention. Tomorrow I am going to saute some tofu and make a veggie scramble with the rest of the leftovers and forgo the chemical sausages.
HEXANE: A petroleum byproduct of gasoline refinement. In foods it is used to separate oil from protein. How do people even discover these things? Specifically, you can find it in soy based products. The FDA requires no testing for this substance. Go figure. Although studies are not conclusive on its effects when consumed, studies do show that when inhaled it may cause numbness, weakness, blurred vision, headache and fatigue.
Don't even get my started on what is in my shampoo, conditioner, hair products, toothpaste...WOW, I mean I'm pretty educated on ingredients but I admit I spend more time on food ingredients and NO time on the things I am also applying to my body. I looked up a few things and found that Sephora (www.sephora.com) has a line of Natural Products called Ojon that I will be checking out soon!
PARABENS: Parabens may mimic the hormone estrogen which is known to play a role in development of breast cancer. Enough said, there are alternatives that still make you gorgeous!
At the corner of the studio where I teach I get coffee almost daily. Yes, I am also a coffee addict. I get a small coffee and I drop a packet of Sweet and Low in it. Now, at home I have Stevia and agree that the pink packets are "poison" but, its convenient. Today I had my coffee black and tonight I will put a few Stevia packets in my purse for my coffee for the rest of the week.
SACCHARIN: Probably one of the more popular chemicals known. It's been around for 100 years. It is a chemically based sugar substitute that reduces the calorie content in sweeter foods without them losing their sweetness. Studies have linked it to cancer in laboratory animals but not to humans. Hence, why it's still on the market. There are better alternatives. I should know better.
I went to the gym and realized I had forgotten my water bottle. As I am getting the bottle from the vending machine I realize, crap, there is some kind of chemical in this bottle.....
BISEPHENOL A (BPA): These are found in some plastics. They mimic hormones in the body and have been found harmful to humans but yet, they are still under study. BPA may cause birth defects, cancer, neurological issues, thyroid issues, sensitivity to drugs, fertility, and on and on and on. Still think the FDA has your best interest in mind?
I leave you with this quote from Dave Barry, "Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer."
Pay attention, ask questions, find alternatives.
In Health,
I invite you to take a quick journey through my day and what chemicals I come into contact with before I even had lunch and how I can go about changing them. Then, take a look at yours and see what you can do for yourself.
This morning's breakfast was Morningstar Farms Veggie Sausages and some leftover black beans, corn, and peppers from last night's dinner. The leftovers are perfectly chemical free. The veggie sausages, not so much. In fact, there are more weird ingredients listed on the back that I care to even mention. Tomorrow I am going to saute some tofu and make a veggie scramble with the rest of the leftovers and forgo the chemical sausages.
HEXANE: A petroleum byproduct of gasoline refinement. In foods it is used to separate oil from protein. How do people even discover these things? Specifically, you can find it in soy based products. The FDA requires no testing for this substance. Go figure. Although studies are not conclusive on its effects when consumed, studies do show that when inhaled it may cause numbness, weakness, blurred vision, headache and fatigue.
Don't even get my started on what is in my shampoo, conditioner, hair products, toothpaste...WOW, I mean I'm pretty educated on ingredients but I admit I spend more time on food ingredients and NO time on the things I am also applying to my body. I looked up a few things and found that Sephora (www.sephora.com) has a line of Natural Products called Ojon that I will be checking out soon!
PARABENS: Parabens may mimic the hormone estrogen which is known to play a role in development of breast cancer. Enough said, there are alternatives that still make you gorgeous!
At the corner of the studio where I teach I get coffee almost daily. Yes, I am also a coffee addict. I get a small coffee and I drop a packet of Sweet and Low in it. Now, at home I have Stevia and agree that the pink packets are "poison" but, its convenient. Today I had my coffee black and tonight I will put a few Stevia packets in my purse for my coffee for the rest of the week.
SACCHARIN: Probably one of the more popular chemicals known. It's been around for 100 years. It is a chemically based sugar substitute that reduces the calorie content in sweeter foods without them losing their sweetness. Studies have linked it to cancer in laboratory animals but not to humans. Hence, why it's still on the market. There are better alternatives. I should know better.
I went to the gym and realized I had forgotten my water bottle. As I am getting the bottle from the vending machine I realize, crap, there is some kind of chemical in this bottle.....
BISEPHENOL A (BPA): These are found in some plastics. They mimic hormones in the body and have been found harmful to humans but yet, they are still under study. BPA may cause birth defects, cancer, neurological issues, thyroid issues, sensitivity to drugs, fertility, and on and on and on. Still think the FDA has your best interest in mind?
I leave you with this quote from Dave Barry, "Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer."
Pay attention, ask questions, find alternatives.
In Health,
Monday, October 10, 2011
Meatless Mondays Recipe- Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Mom always said to eat your Brussel Sprouts! Brussel Sprouts have anti-cancer properties and also boosts repair of cells.
1 pound of Brussel Sprouts with ends trimmed and outer leaves removed
Olive Oil Spray
Chili Pepper or Garlic Powder (optional)
Coat baking pan with olive oil spray. Toss in Brussel Sprouts and coat with Olive Oil Spray. Sprinkle on salt and pepper. Sprinkle on Chili Powder or garlic powder. Roast in over at 400 degrees for 30- 45 minutes.
Serve with a mustard for dipping!
In Health, Tricia
1 pound of Brussel Sprouts with ends trimmed and outer leaves removed
Olive Oil Spray
Chili Pepper or Garlic Powder (optional)
Coat baking pan with olive oil spray. Toss in Brussel Sprouts and coat with Olive Oil Spray. Sprinkle on salt and pepper. Sprinkle on Chili Powder or garlic powder. Roast in over at 400 degrees for 30- 45 minutes.
Serve with a mustard for dipping!
In Health, Tricia
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Sunshine Says: Steve Jobs
As we all know Steve Jobs passed away earlier this week. I admittedly never heard of Steve Jobs until I was at the gym a few weeks ago and CNN was covering the story of him passing the torch of his title at Apple. Upon his death I realized what an interesting man he really must have been. I put together a few quotes from his Commencement Address at Stanford.
1."Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
Life is full of choices. When we wake up in the morning we have a choice to be happy. We have a choice about what we do with our day. If you don't like the choices that are in front of you, change them. You have to make your own dots. You have to help shape your own destiny. Don't expect life to just hand you your journey, make it happen and then when all the dots do finally connect you will look back and be satisfied.
2. "Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle."
1."Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
Life is full of choices. When we wake up in the morning we have a choice to be happy. We have a choice about what we do with our day. If you don't like the choices that are in front of you, change them. You have to make your own dots. You have to help shape your own destiny. Don't expect life to just hand you your journey, make it happen and then when all the dots do finally connect you will look back and be satisfied.
2. "Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle."
I have an amazing job. 99% of the time I wake up and I am excited and happy to go to work. I got lucky. I figured out what I wanted to do with my life when I was 13 while doing a Denise Austin workout video. I got sidetracked a few times believing there might be something better but I always came back to Fitness. You spend more time working than on anything else for most of your life. You should enjoy it, you should love it. If you are stuck in a job that you don't love than figure out a way to get satisfaction from it, be it financial freedom, or schedule flexibility, or an opportunity for the next step. If you cannot find some kind of satisfaction in it, then open up the classifieds and move on. Why are you wasting time?
3. "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."
I like to set goals. I set daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and yearly goals. These goals ensure that I am doing things that make me happy, checking things off my bucket list, and experiencing something new as much as a I can. They give me something to look forward to. I change them often. I also make sure they are fun and not feel like a burden. I'll share some of my most recent goals:
Daily Goal: Take a new workout class at the gym.
Weekly Goal: Make a new recipe using a new ingredient.
Monthly Goal: Read a book on a topic I'm interested in.
Yearly Goal: Take JB on a long weekend trip to somewhere we've never been.
4."Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
Life moves fast. Create your own world. Carve your own path. Believe in yourself. At the end of the day the only person who really needs your approval is yourself. If something doesn't "feel" right to you, then its not right for you. If your gut is screaming NO! then listen, and get the hell out as fast as you can. You will never regret that you took the leap, that you took you a chance, you will only regret that you didn't because someone else told you not to.
5. "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
These were Steve's parting words to the Stanford graduates. Two simple, two word sentences. Learn everyday. Don't pretend you know everything. Ask questions. Try new things. Get off your couch and go be something, an entrepreneur, a good friend, a good parent, a teacher, an athlete, be anything you want to be and don't stop trying till you find out what fits for you.
In Health,
3. "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."
I like to set goals. I set daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, and yearly goals. These goals ensure that I am doing things that make me happy, checking things off my bucket list, and experiencing something new as much as a I can. They give me something to look forward to. I change them often. I also make sure they are fun and not feel like a burden. I'll share some of my most recent goals:
Daily Goal: Take a new workout class at the gym.
Weekly Goal: Make a new recipe using a new ingredient.
Monthly Goal: Read a book on a topic I'm interested in.
Yearly Goal: Take JB on a long weekend trip to somewhere we've never been.
4."Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
Life moves fast. Create your own world. Carve your own path. Believe in yourself. At the end of the day the only person who really needs your approval is yourself. If something doesn't "feel" right to you, then its not right for you. If your gut is screaming NO! then listen, and get the hell out as fast as you can. You will never regret that you took the leap, that you took you a chance, you will only regret that you didn't because someone else told you not to.
5. "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."
These were Steve's parting words to the Stanford graduates. Two simple, two word sentences. Learn everyday. Don't pretend you know everything. Ask questions. Try new things. Get off your couch and go be something, an entrepreneur, a good friend, a good parent, a teacher, an athlete, be anything you want to be and don't stop trying till you find out what fits for you.
In Health,
Monday, October 3, 2011
Meatless Mondays Recipe- Sunshine's Vegetarian Chili
I learned to make a great chili many years ago while still frolicking around at Penn State. Now it's one of JB's most favorite things I make (second to Stuffed Shells which are damn good I must say!)! With the arrival of Fall this is a great hearty and healthy dish!
Sunshine's Vegetarian Chili
* This serves ALOT of people. I haven't quite figured out how to feed just the 2 of us. It will comfortable feed a family of 4.
One can of Light Red Kidney Beans
One can of Black Beans
One can of Dark Red Kidney Beans
One packet of Mccormick Chili Seasoning
28 ounce can of Crushed Tomatoes
1 Bag of Low Fat or Fat Free Mexican or Cheddar Cheese
1 Yellow Onion, diced
2 cloves of Garlic, diced
Olive oil
Chili Powder
Salt and Pepper
* Optional Frank's Hot Sauce if you like it Spicy!
* Optional Morningstar Farms "Sausage" Crumbles
* Optional Whole Wheat Spiral Noodles cooked and drained
In a very large pot saute olive oil, onions, and garlic until onions are translucent. Add can of tomatoes, all beans, chili packet, and Sausage Crumbles and stir. Sprinkle a but of pepper, salt, and chili powder. Let this cook (it gets a little bubbly). Then turn to low and let simmer, stirring often.
To serve:
If you are using pasta then scoop some in a bowl and top with the Chili and then sprinkle cheese on top.
Add Hot Sauce if needed!
In Health,
Sunshine's Vegetarian Chili
* This serves ALOT of people. I haven't quite figured out how to feed just the 2 of us. It will comfortable feed a family of 4.
One can of Light Red Kidney Beans
One can of Black Beans
One can of Dark Red Kidney Beans
One packet of Mccormick Chili Seasoning
28 ounce can of Crushed Tomatoes
1 Bag of Low Fat or Fat Free Mexican or Cheddar Cheese
1 Yellow Onion, diced
2 cloves of Garlic, diced
Olive oil
Chili Powder
Salt and Pepper
* Optional Frank's Hot Sauce if you like it Spicy!
* Optional Morningstar Farms "Sausage" Crumbles
* Optional Whole Wheat Spiral Noodles cooked and drained
In a very large pot saute olive oil, onions, and garlic until onions are translucent. Add can of tomatoes, all beans, chili packet, and Sausage Crumbles and stir. Sprinkle a but of pepper, salt, and chili powder. Let this cook (it gets a little bubbly). Then turn to low and let simmer, stirring often.
To serve:
If you are using pasta then scoop some in a bowl and top with the Chili and then sprinkle cheese on top.
Add Hot Sauce if needed!
In Health,
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weekend Warrior- Intervals

One of the simplest ways to do Interval Training is to go for a walk/run. Run for 30 seconds, then walk for 30 seconds. The time of intervals can be changed to 1 minute or even longer. Studies show that the shorter the intervals, the higher amount of fat loss.
Tabata Training is a very popular term for athletes and in the fitness industry. It was a workout originally designed for speed skating and cycling. However, the Tabata method can be used for any form of exercise. You perform your high intensity burst for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat for 8 cycles, totally 4 minutes. In an hour you would do about 12-15 rounds.
Is there an ap for that? Of course there is! If your taking your workout outside download the Tabata Pro Timer to your phone.
In health,
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Don't Worry, Be Happy
As I was in my Downward Dog this afternoon in Yoga class the once popular song, Don't Worry, Be Happy came on. I smiled, I tapped my fingers to the beat, and I breathed. It's such a simply phrase that translates to so many instances in life.
Like the saying goes, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and It's All Small Stuff." I got to thinking about the power of positive thinking. I'm a big believer that my day will actually be better if I believe it will. That simply seeing the positive in something can make it seem easier, less of challenge. That if you look and listen to a person with a positive thought and no judgement that you might in fact, learn something from them.
I'm not jaded, I just simply believe that most people in this world want to be happy and want people around them that are happy as well. Life flies by. It's going to be October in just a few days and sometimes I think it's still February. Focus on the good, find happiness in your day, plan something to look forward to, and above all else.....
"Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy"
In Health,
Like the saying goes, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and It's All Small Stuff." I got to thinking about the power of positive thinking. I'm a big believer that my day will actually be better if I believe it will. That simply seeing the positive in something can make it seem easier, less of challenge. That if you look and listen to a person with a positive thought and no judgement that you might in fact, learn something from them.
I'm not jaded, I just simply believe that most people in this world want to be happy and want people around them that are happy as well. Life flies by. It's going to be October in just a few days and sometimes I think it's still February. Focus on the good, find happiness in your day, plan something to look forward to, and above all else.....
"Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy"
In Health,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunshine Circuit- Video Debut!
Check out my first circuit workout video!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Meatless Mondays Recipe- Dirty Rice Mexicana
Here is a delicious Vegan meal to honor Meatless Monday!
Dirty Rice Mexicana
*Serves 4
2 Boil in a Bag Whole Wheat Brown Rice (one bag makes 2 cups of rice)
A bunch of green onion, cleaned and chopped
One Red Pepper, cleaned and chopped
1 cup of cherry tomatoes
One can of Black Beans, Rinsed
One can of Corn
One bunch of cilantro, chopped
One small can of chopped green chilies
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Boil Rice.
Add a tablespoon of olive oil to pan. Add chopped red pepper, corn, and chilies. When cooked add in black beans and tomatoes. Once beans are heated add rice and mix together. Sprinkle green onions and cilantro on top and fold into rice and beans mixture.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
In Health,
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Weekend Warrior-Workout with Weights
Strength Training is not just for bodybuilders. Lifting weights reshapes your body, strengthens your muscles, and improves balance. A regular strength training program can also make bones stronger and improves your posture. It can also boost your mood, energy levels, and help you sleep better!
Here is a program to do with free weights at the gym or at home:
* Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 at a weight that is challenging.
1. Chest Flye: lie on your back on the floor or a bench with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold weights in each hand with arms straight up to ceiling and palms facing each other. On the inhale open arms out to side so they are in line with your body, on the exhale bring the arms back together.
Advanced: add a low ab crunch every time you bring your arms together.
2. Bent Over Row: Sit in a chair with weights in hands. With feet flat on the floor lean forward with your chest hovering above the thighs, pull belly button to spine. Hang arms toward floor with palms facing in. Take a deep breath in and on the exhale bend the elbows and pull hands toward hips while you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Inhale, release.
Advanced: on the row hold the contraction for 3 pulses and then release.
3. Bicep Curl: Standing with feet shoulder width apart and weights in hands with palms facing forward. Inhale, on the exhale bend the elbows pulling the weights towards your shoulders. Inhale to release.
Advanced: Add alternating forward lunges for every curl.
4. Shoulder Press: Standing with feet shoulder width apart and elbows bent, palms facing forward, hands just about in line with the sides of your shoulders. On the exhale straighten the arms overhead.
Advanced: Add a squats on the inhale and an alternating front kick each time the arms go up overhead.
5. Triceps Press back: Standing with feet shoulder width apart, bend the knees and sit hips back like you are sitting in a chair. Back should be flat. Bend the elbows and keep them glued to your sides. On the exhale, with palms facing in, straighten the arms behind you. Inhale to bend back to start.
Advanced: Do each set in a low lunge position with both legs bent.
In Health, Tricia
Here is a program to do with free weights at the gym or at home:
* Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 at a weight that is challenging.
1. Chest Flye: lie on your back on the floor or a bench with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold weights in each hand with arms straight up to ceiling and palms facing each other. On the inhale open arms out to side so they are in line with your body, on the exhale bring the arms back together.
Advanced: add a low ab crunch every time you bring your arms together.
2. Bent Over Row: Sit in a chair with weights in hands. With feet flat on the floor lean forward with your chest hovering above the thighs, pull belly button to spine. Hang arms toward floor with palms facing in. Take a deep breath in and on the exhale bend the elbows and pull hands toward hips while you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Inhale, release.
Advanced: on the row hold the contraction for 3 pulses and then release.
3. Bicep Curl: Standing with feet shoulder width apart and weights in hands with palms facing forward. Inhale, on the exhale bend the elbows pulling the weights towards your shoulders. Inhale to release.
Advanced: Add alternating forward lunges for every curl.
4. Shoulder Press: Standing with feet shoulder width apart and elbows bent, palms facing forward, hands just about in line with the sides of your shoulders. On the exhale straighten the arms overhead.
Advanced: Add a squats on the inhale and an alternating front kick each time the arms go up overhead.
5. Triceps Press back: Standing with feet shoulder width apart, bend the knees and sit hips back like you are sitting in a chair. Back should be flat. Bend the elbows and keep them glued to your sides. On the exhale, with palms facing in, straighten the arms behind you. Inhale to bend back to start.
Advanced: Do each set in a low lunge position with both legs bent.
In Health, Tricia
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sunshine Says: Just let it happen
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Blue Toad on Etsy |
I'm a pretty laid back person. I don't sweat the small stuff, I'm happy by nature, and I try to see the positives. But every once in a while I get stuck. Stuck on what's supposed to happen next, how life supposed to go, and feeling like I should do something about it.
I know I'm getting philosophical here :)
Health is an overall state of well being. It's not just about exercise and food. We try to control so much of what happens around us that we forget to just live in the moment, let life be, just let it go. Journaling could be a way to allow us to do just that. Plus, look at these fun journals I found on Etsy.....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunny Side Up: Bodypump
When I was at Cornerstone Health and Fitness in Doylestown, PA they were just introducing Bodypump into their Group Exercise program. I took a few practice class with Instructors and ended up with a great workout every time! I decided to give it a try again on Saturday and I was, once again, given a great workout!
The class strengthen your whole body by performing exercises with a barbell. It's a "Back to Basics" kind of class with squats, lunges, biceps curls, etc. The movements are scripted to music so you are always moving with the beat. I don't normally love to do traditional strength training but I have to say I am HOOKED!
The best part? It gave me some new ideas for my classes at Pilates ProWorks!
If your gym offers this class give it a try!!
In Health,
The class strengthen your whole body by performing exercises with a barbell. It's a "Back to Basics" kind of class with squats, lunges, biceps curls, etc. The movements are scripted to music so you are always moving with the beat. I don't normally love to do traditional strength training but I have to say I am HOOKED!
The best part? It gave me some new ideas for my classes at Pilates ProWorks!
If your gym offers this class give it a try!!
In Health,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Edamame Salad
This is a quick and easy recipe to use as an entree for lunch or dinner. You could also serve it on the side or have it as a quick snack!
Edamame Salad
One Cup of Cooked edamame
2 ears of corn, cooked, and cut of the cob (or a can of corn, cooked)
Half a red onion, diced
A bunch of asparagus, chop off just the tops
1/4 cup of pine nuts
One Avocado, Sliced
One Lime
Olive Oil- for sauteing
Salt/ Pepper
*OPTIONAL- one diced serrano or jalapeno (diced once the seeds and membrane are removed) for extra spiceSaute the pine nuts until golden brown, and set in a bowl
Saute the onion and corn until soft, add to the bowl
Chop asparagus and saute until cooked through, slightly charred on the outside
Toss all ingredients in the bowl, squeeze fresh juice from one lime and add a good olive oil. Salt and Pepper to taste and serve.
In Health,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Weekend Warrior- Outside Obstacle Course
Getting outside to exercise is great for the mind, body, and spirit. Studies show that exercising outdoors gives you more energy, a positive attitude, and may decrease tension, anger, and stress. This weekend get outside with this 30 minute Weekend Warrior Obstacle Course!
1. Walk or run for 5 minutes
2. 20 push ups
3. Walk or run for 5 minutes
4. 20 Squats
5. Walk or run for 5 minutes
6. 20 lunges
7. Walk or run for 5 minutes
8. Hold a plank for one minute
9. Walk or run for 5 minutes
10. 20 ab crunches
Enjoy! Post on Sunshine Fitness Facebook Page and let me know if you tried it!
In Health,
1. Walk or run for 5 minutes
2. 20 push ups
3. Walk or run for 5 minutes
4. 20 Squats
5. Walk or run for 5 minutes
6. 20 lunges
7. Walk or run for 5 minutes
8. Hold a plank for one minute
9. Walk or run for 5 minutes
10. 20 ab crunches
Enjoy! Post on Sunshine Fitness Facebook Page and let me know if you tried it!
In Health,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sunny Side Up- Yoga
Just recently I vowed to add Yoga into my exercise routine three times a week. It always what I put off. I had the chance to take a friend's class this week at our studio. It was fantastic! I'm a little sore in the shoulders and arms and I love the feeling I felt for the rest of the afternoon.
Check her out at http://web.me.com/jennperell/ALOHANANDA/ALOHANANDA.html
Check her out at http://web.me.com/jennperell/ALOHANANDA/ALOHANANDA.html
Monday, September 12, 2011
Spaghetti with beans and veggies

Spaghetti with beans and veggies
1 pound of whole wheat angel hair spaghetti
1/4 cup of fresh basil thinly sliced
1 small zucchini sliced
1 can of white beans, drained
1-2 heads of broccoli cut into small florets
2 tomatoes diced
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 clove of garlic diced
1/2 of a red onion, diced
salt and pepper
pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)
Serves 4
1. Cook spaghetti using instructions on box.
2. In a large saute pan saute onion and garlic. Add the zucchini. One zucchini is coked add broccoli and tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and pepper flakes.
3. Add the beans to the saute pan and let cook about 2 minutes.
4. Add the cooked spaghetti to the saute pan and mix until coated.
5. Right before serving sprinkle with basil.
In Health,
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Fall 5- Day Detox

Fall is the perfect time to detox your body. As the seasons change and we move from the warmer months of summer to the cooler months of autumn our bodies begin the readjustment for the cooler weather. It also means that the holidays are coming soon (10 weeks till Thanksgiving!). My 4 week plan, available in November beings with this Warm-Up Week Detox Plan.
Take some time this week to slow down, reconnect to yourself, and make goals for the last few months of 2011.
1. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Start your day with a glass of cool weather. Have water with every meal. Add lemon to your water to help detoxify your liver.
2. Do not eat processed foods. Anything with more than 5 ingredients is processed.
3. No caffeine or alcohol. Instead have tea (green tea is okay and encouraged), water or natural juices if you have a juicer.
4. No dairy products. That means cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt, etc. Dairy causes mucus in the body and may cause inflammation.
5. Walk for at least 20 minutes a day.
6. Practice Yoga for at least 20 minutes 3-5 days.
7. Fish. Although I suggest having no animal products this week, fish is okay.
8. Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up.
9. Do not eat anything less than 3 hours before bedtime.
10. Eat organic and local whenever possible.
A Typical Day:
Wake Up-
-A glass of water
-20 minutes of Yoga or your 20 minute walk
- A cup of herbal tea
-Smoothie or fresh fruit for breakfast with a handful of almonds
Smoothie Recipe:
1 cup of strawberries
1 cup of blueberries
1 whole banana
1 cup of almond, soy, or rice milk.
Blend till smooth.
Mid- Morning-
- Have a snack of fruit or veggies
- A glass of water
Veggie snack:
Carrots, celery, radishes, and/or broccolli
Hummus for dipping
- A glass of water
- Soup and or salad for lunch
- Take a walk if possible
Salad Recipe:
Lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, onion, broccoli, sprouts, peppers
1/2 cup pf quinoa
1/2 cup of grabanzo beans or beans of your choice
2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds
Top with balsamic vinegar or this Honey Mustard Dressing:
Whisk together 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
Late Afternoon-
- A glass of water
- Fruits, Veggies, handful of nuts
- A cup of herbal tea
Snack Ideas:
Apple slices with sprinkled cinnamon
Raw nuts with dried fruit of your choice
Guacamole with raw veggies
Tomato slices with fresh basil
- A glass of water
- Steamed veggies, brown rice, and beans or fish
- Take your 20 minute walk after d inner if you haven't already
Good luck!
In Health,
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